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The Sun - 8th August 2020

David Smith

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Too hot to sleep last night so was up early and out imaging not long after 7. Lots going on but the seeing was a little hit & miss to be honest. Ca-K and white light seemed to suffer the worst, I think the seeing actually settled a bit by the time I got to H alpha.

Start off with Ca-K, full disk via 6 pane mosaic @ native 1000mm of the Evostar 120, Prominence @2000mm and a 3 pane pano of the active regions shot at 2000mm focal length.







White light with the Lacerta wedge, continuum & UV/IR filter shot at 2000mm focal length.





H Alpha shot at 2000mm focal length with the Quark and ES 2x focal extender.

4 Pane mosaic of the active regions, proms on both sides of the disk with a 3 image series showing the evolution of the largest of them.




Evolution of this prom over 3 shots






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Good ones Dave - for me it was the other way around. Ca-K good, but by half-nine I was struggling with Ha - was only able to concentrate on the main spot....

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't see any proms - so well done on the Ca-K.....


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Thanks all. Positive comments are always nice :biggrin: First time since I've had the Quark that I've had several hours of unbroken sunshine. Scope was out on the mount until lunch time and I spent quite a bit of time visually watching that prom and "fiddling" with the tuner on the Quark to see what I could see. Forecast doesn't look as good tomorrow but fingers crossed.

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