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Superbias not so super??

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I am getting my library of calibration files together for the forthcoming season and I thought I would try the Superbias routine in Pixinsight. To my eyes it has made the standard master bias look worse (standard on left - superbias on the right) default settings used.

Any ideas or comments??



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How many frames make up the bias you are comparing with the super-bias? I think I made my super-bias out of about 300 frames and I don't recall there being much difference other than progression of what could already be seen.

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@Skipper Billy Isn’t the point of a super bias to better model the fixed pattern noise?  So I’m just wondering whether it might look worse, but actually do a better job at correcting the light and other frames.  I guess the only way to see is to process with and without. Just a thought. 

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Hi  Skipper

As Jiberjaber says how many bias frames did you use?   I normally use 120  for bias and superbias and it works fine but to test I've just made a master bias with 25 frames and it pixelates and looks similar to yours when Superbias is applied..  

Below are my stretched Bias (top) and Superbias  with 120 frames.  16200 sensor.





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Thanks all.

The master bias are from just 25 subs - that's what I usually take for a master bias as my download speed is very slow ~30 seconds per sub.

I will try both bias frames in a real world processing situation (when we get some darkness!) and see if there is an appreciable difference.

I might also try with 200 subs and see if that makes a difference.

It was the posterized look that made me ask the question.


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Hi David,

I have always used superbias's and they are definitely smoother when compared to a master bias, I take 100 images for when I do my bias's: -

Master bias




So just as a matter of course, I create the sueprbias.


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