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Colour moon


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Okay, this is stacked in Deep Sky Stacker of all things. I think I could have got a better result using registax but it didn't want to do it :D

32 frames, and saturated in photoshop. I don't know why the bottom half went so overly PINK, and I couldn't seem to correct it. But I tried again from scratch and this time the same part went all blue.

So I'll just post both. Take your pick, and if you like neither, please - have a play! :hello2:


(click to enlarge)


(click to enlarge)

Sony A-300 at prime focus, using Skywatcher 8" newtonian.


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If registax is strugling Andrew it might be down to not enough RAM. My pooter used to struggle with big AVI's and it was only after fitting more RAM that it got better. I know you were not using avi but it still might be a memory problem.

Nice pics BTW, I like the reprocessed version it is pretty amazing looking with the colurs.


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Thanks guys. Yeah, more RAM is on the books. My PC is pretty good spec except the RAM and memory card, so for processing both of htose could do with an upgrade.

Okay, final reprocess now - really! I took the well saturated, but badly stacked image that came out of registax, and overlaid the colour onto the badly saturated, but well stacked image that came out of DSS. Best of both worlds :hello2:

Now I'm finally pleased with the result!


(click to enlarge)


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