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Question about the Sun

the pampas bull

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Okay, this might sound really stupid.

I was walking to work this morning, and it was very foggy. Through the fog the sun appeared as a yellow ball, without any rays? I could look at it fine and it wasn't hurting my eyes. I couldn't really believe what I was seeing. It looked a bit like the pic below, but much, much fainter, it almost appeared white.


Is this actually possible, or has someone been slipping hallucinogenics in my coffee? :hello2:

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Not stupid at all mate.

Yes, it was a very real thing you witnessed. No drugs needed for this.

There is a couple of reasons you could look directly at the sun in this manner. (though it is not recommended)

It has to do with how low the sun is on the horizon and the fog.

With the sun being low on the horizon you have to look through more of our atmosphere with all its pollutants/dust and so on acting as a natural filter.

You had the added benefit of having to look through fog too which gave you just the right conditions for looking directly at the sun.

It is a fantastic sight to see when this happens.

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The Sun looks great in those conditions. Must add a warning. Misty conditions do cut out a lot of light so you can briefly look at the Sun, but NEVER point a telescope or binoculars at it under these conditions. If the mist thins even for a moment you will harm your eyes permenantly.


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Thanks for the replies guys. It was weird because I've never ever seen it like that before, and noone else around at the time seemed to be that bothered. So it was a bit of a WTF moment.

Yeah, I wouldn't point my scope at it. I was a bit worried at the time that just looking at it with my bare eyes might damage them without me knowing somehow. But it's difficult to look away when you see something as pretty as that.

It's actually made me think about buying a solar filter for the scope.

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I know what you mean when you say WTF! Driving to work the other day I saw a similar thing, and it rocked!

If you are interested in using solar filters, ring one of the sponsors (links above), and they will give you advice on solar filters/solar film. I ordered solar film from Modern Astronomy and I was not disappointed. This is the sort of views you can expect, Moon was in the way. The Sun is pretty quiet at the minute, as it is just leaving a solar minimum, although things can only get better. I think there was a small sunspot visible earlier in the week.




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Just a word of caution... even though our atmosphere dims the Sun and makes it 'comfortabe' for naked-eye viewing, is it safe to do so? (I'm sure Google has the answer, but just thought I'd bring it up in this thread.. better safe than sorry and all that. :hello2: )

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