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Strange Reflection Pattern

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Hi all,

Yesterday I received my new ASI 533 MC Pro and thankfully the weather was clear.

I took it out with my TS 70Q for some test shots on Sadr and started to see this reflection patter on Sadr itself


Has anyone else using this camera seen a similar thing? I wasn't using any filter (I've read that this could be a fix) as I just needed to test the camera was working.

I'm not too well versed in refractors but with that aside could this be the reflection coating on the sensor glass?


Thanks for your opinions

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25 minutes ago, andrew s said:

Well I downloaded your image and low and behold it is saturated. The flat top is a giveaway.  Always best to measure not assume.


Regards Andrew

I just ran several stars from the image and it is indeed saturated. Perhaps the camera is more sensitive that I'm used to. Thanks anyway

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I'm not sure whether it is saturated makes a difference to create such an effect.  It's difficult to know the exact scale given it is a crop but would suggest this is a microlens artefact because of the very bright nature of the star.  Such effects are commonly seen on ASI1600 style cameras because of less than ideal coatings for astronomy work, but see it less on Sony ones (but assume the bright nature is a culprit here).

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