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A first attempt at Andromeda


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Last night I made my first attempt at capturing the Andromeda galaxy, which has been a wish of mine for a number of years.  

This image is 120 minutes (30 x 4 mins) calibrated with 15 darks, flats and bias frames.  Captured using a Meade 6000 80mm APO, Canon 1300D (modified), HEQ5 and guided using a  ZWO 120mm attached to a ZWO 30F4 guidescope. 

It is a bit noisy but I think the data is good, so at this stage it comes down to my novice processing skills.  I think that I will keep trying to see if I can reduce the noise ad imrove on the colour, but I am still happy with this result for the time being.  


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19 hours ago, tomato said:

That’s a tremendous result for just 2 hours of data. Are you imaging from a dark location may I ask?

Thank you all for your kind comments.  Tomato, I live in the south of the Isle of Wight, so the skies are reasonable dark.  To the South is the English Channel but to the north there is some glow as our county town is in that direction and a little beyond is Portsmouth and Southampton.  The maps say that I live under in Bortle Scale 4 skies, but I do wonder if it closer to a 3.  

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