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M20 Trifid in SII, Ha, OIII, UV


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Hi Dave

Thanks for asking. Much as I would like to claim I did this from my backgarden, the following gear was used: Astrodon UV photometric on a moonless night with a 20" Planewave  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UBV_photometric_system

I'm accessing Australia remotely. I have some time booked to collect some RGB Blue as well, this week weather permitting so I will update as soon as I can

CCD:  FLI-PL6303E  CCD camera

QE: 68% Peak

Gain: 1.09

Full Well:  ~100,000e-  Non Anti Blooming Gate (NABG)

Dark Current:   <.005 e-/pixel/sec. @ -45º C

Pixel Size:  9um Square

Resolution:  0.81 arc-secs/pixel

Sensor:  Frontlit 

Cooling:  Set to -30ºC default 

Array:  3072 by 2048 (6.3 Megapixels) 

FOV:      27.8 x 41.6 arc-mins


AstroDon Tru-Balance Gen 2 E series Luminance, Red, Green, Blue, 5nm Ha, 5nm SII, 5nm OIII, and AstroDon Johnson/Cousins UvBVRcIc

OTA: Planewave 20" (0.51m) CDK

Optical Design: Corrected Dall-Kirkham Astrograph

Aperture: 508mm

Focal Length:  2249 mm

F/Ratio: f/6.8

Guiding: Active Guiding Disabled 

Mount: Planewave Ascension 200HR

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Ah, that would explain the diffraction spikes. Since none of the 'scopes in your sig will give spikes I thought it might have been data from a previous 'scope.

Interesting use of UV photometric filter, wouldn't have thought of that, was thinking UV narrow band, and wondered at the lack of blue bloat, which would have been considerable with a 'frac.

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