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EP8 - Sunday, 5th July 2020 7:30pm BST - Rebel Star – The Sun’s Greatest Mysteries by Colin Stuart


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Continuing a bit of a Solar theme, this Sunday at 7:30 we are joined by Colin Stuart of https://www.colinstuart.net/ giving us his talk 'Rebel Star - The Sun's Greatest Mysteries'.  Colin an astronomy speaker and author who has talked to over half a million people about the universe, ranging from schools and the public to conferences and businesses. He has written sixteen books which have sold more than 350,000 copies worldwide and been translated into 21 languages. He has also written over 200 popular science articles for publications including The Guardian, New Scientist, The Wall Street Journal and European Space Agency.

In recognition of his efforts to popularise astronomy, the asteroid (15347) Colinstuart is named after him. In 2014 he was awarded runner-up in the European Astronomy Journalism Prize and is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. He's talked about the wonders of the universe on Sky News, BBC News and Radio 5Live and been quoted in national newspapers including The Daily Telegraph and The Observer.

Having seen a couple of Colin's talks now I can't wait for this one - he is a superb speaker and he's talking are extremely informative and entertaining - definitely not one to miss!

Rebel Star – The Sun’s Greatest Mysteries


The Sun is many things: beauty, beacon, battery, belligerent. It’s the biggest thing for light-years around and yet we actually know relatively little about it.

That’s changing thanks to an armada of new spacecraft recently lofted into the solar system to scrutinise the Sun in unprecedented detail. In a 45 minute talk packed full of jaw-dropping images and videos, I’ll be your guide on a journey deep into the heart of our nearest star.

Meeting details below:

Topic: EP8 - Sunday, 5th July 2020 7:30pm BST - Rebel Star – The Sun’s Greatest Mysteries by Colin Stuart
Time: Jul 5, 2020 07:30 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 999 8512 3857
Password: 106194

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20 hours ago, Alien 13 said:

Have joined a few of these and they are brilliant but not seen many faces :sad2:

I don't even have a camera connected to my desktop computer.


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5 minutes ago, JamesF said:

I don't even have a camera connected to my desktop computer.


Thats a good enough excuse for me, I used to have a sticker over my laptop camera but thought what the hell......good job I invested in some hair clippers :)


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Unfortunately  I was getting a lot of drop out on my connection, unable to join until 19.48.

Screen freeze was a big problem, so I shut down. I will catch up on Youtube.  It looked like a great  talk. 

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12 hours ago, bonzodog said:

great talk/meet forgot to ask the question ~ why "Rebel" sun ?


I suppose he regards the Sun's behaviour similar to a human's rebellious nature,
such as the late James Dean. Unpredictable😁.

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If anybody missed this and would like to watch the video, please PM me and I will send you a private link. This will be removed in one week.

Colin makes his living giving these talks so it's not something we can make available publicly / indefinitely.

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