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Skywatcher AZGte issues

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Hi everyone 


I am new to astronomy and this forum but hopefully someone can assist me.  I bought a new scope with the AZ Gte WiFi mount. Whilst I have see everything up and the star alignment looks to work ok, the initial location setting show on the app, but it looks as though they are not being accepted by the mount and moving the scope to the correct start position. 

could anybody provide me with some pointers please. It would be really appreciated. 

thanks in advance. 

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You mentioned that the star alignment seemed to work - so have you done the two star alignment - which means you have manually pointed to the first star, and the AZ GTe goes off and correctly finds star number 2?

Not quite sure what you mean by 'they' are not being accepted - do you mean after choosing to find an object to goto? 

Is the mount and telescope responding at all - I assume you are controlling through the Synscan app? 

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