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Identify Lunar Feature


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While observing the moon I noticed this harsh shadow it certainly looks like a shadow but, it doesn’t cast in the correct direction considering other shadows around it. No, I’m not implying it is an alien artifact lol, just not sure what is causing this particular “shadow” which is pointing in the wrong direction considering the direction of light comparing to all other shadows. 


Edited by Sunshine
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No artefact - its the Straight Wall (Rupes Recta) under a low sun. One of the prominent lunar structures (No. 15 of the Lunar 100); you will revisit it quite often...


Edited by Nyctimene
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Re shadows in the wrong direction. Take a look outside on a sunny day when the sun is at a low angle. Look carefully and you will see shadows at all sorts of wrong angles. Looking carefully at your image and shadows are at various angles. This is due to the height of the ground at this point, the compass direction of the feature. The image of the shadow of Rupes Recta in your image is a triangular in shape. If the angle of the sun to the wall is approx 90 degrees then the wider shadow at the right hand end of the wall would suggest the wall is higher at this end than the left hand end. Shadows are fascinating. Mike

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