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Beware Windows updates


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The other day, I noticed that all my settings had disappeared from APT - my location, plans, preferences. Everything. This had happened once before and the always helpful Ivo suggested it could have been some change due to Windows updates, maybe admin settings. It didn't take long to get it set back up and I've since saved all the settings onto a different drive. So, that was that. I just put it down to 'one of those things'.

The next night, my scope wouldn't connect via EQMOD. I've only recently been able to get it to work so my heart sunk. However, a quick look at the setup revealed... all the settings cleared. Location, COM port, everything. As Oscar Wilde might have said: "To lose one set of preferences may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness.”

But I'm not careless. I have backups of backups. I'm meticulous about antivirus, security, system maintenance. I've built computers in the past so I know what I'm doing.

So, as the heavens wheeled above, by the red light of my little headtorch, I managed to get it set up again and continue as if nothing had happened.

THEN, today, I had a sudden thought: what about Stellarium? I'm using that to move the mount. I've been experiencing walking noise in my shots, even though I thought my polar alignment was ok, and I've been using dithering and drizzling (although I'm still not using guiding, I know I need to bite that particular bullet sooner or later). I'd also noticed that the past couple of times during alignment, the first two stars I'd chosen were quite far out, by what seemed a similar amount. Could it be that Stellarium's settings had been cleared out too?

Indeed they had. Stellarium thought I was in Greenwich, UK, which is 60 miles away. Some fancypants maths would probably prove that the distance the stars were out by, would equal the time differential to Greenwich. If I lived further away this might have been more apparent as a problem.

So, something rather drastic happened to my laptop recently, and I think it could have been a Windows update. I'm just flagging this in case anyone else notices anything similar. Or, if not, then it could just be me. It usually is.

Edited by BrendanC
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Hi Brendan, Have you checked your Windows update history to see if the cause of your lost settings. I know that the major May update is about to hit our shores very soon., which is certain to cause issue to some folk.


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Thanks for the heads-up - and in fact you make a very good point about checking the Windows Update History because I just checked, and the last one was in April, which predates my problems.

So, something else must be causing bother. Time to run a full av scan and look for other problems. I can't have this happening every month or two...

Edited by BrendanC
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I doubt very much that a Windows 10 update would have done what you are implying, even the update to ver. 2004, as by default all updates do not modify any installed user apps, and the process automatically backs everything up, including user setting etc., that's the main reason why so much free, contiguous disk space is required....

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2 hours ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

I doubt very much that a Windows 10 update would have done what you are implying, even the update to ver. 2004, as by default all updates do not modify any installed user apps, and the process automatically backs everything up, including user setting etc., that's the main reason why so much free, contiguous disk space is required....

I agree but a worrying thing I did notice was that the backed up win old file which was around 38 Gb vanished after 8 days on my laptop without any intervention from me which would suggest anyone should check your system quickly after a big update..


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Application settings are usually stored in folders associated to user accounts (where the logged in user can make changes). So disappearing settings could be related to that. For example if you run an app with elevated (admin) privileges, the user changes and different folders / settings are used.

Edited by AngryDonkey
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In relation to the stored backup image, I believe that's part of a regular week-round backup housekeeping procedure. I found this out (to my relief) when I froze my laptop after a particularly cold photography session! So that might account for the image disappearing after 8 days.

I use Macrium Reflect free to back up my Windows partition. Problem is, if updates genuinely do cause problems, you can't really keep returning to the backup. I do know that recent updates have changed my sound and pointer settings, which was not expected.

I think privileges is part of this problem. It was suggested initially, but I don't see how it could have changed so many things throughout my system. More research needed I think.

Thanks for all the feedback anyway.

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