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Anyone targeting NEOWISE next month?

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Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) is beginning to look pretty tempting. Currently Mag. +2.3 and brightening, this is looking like a very tasty target for the middle of July IF it can survive its perihelion.

(link to comet's Twitter account)

I've never imaged a bright comet before, and I'm not really sure what setup is best. My initial instinct was to make use of my C8 and its long focal length, but if the comet is going to be large and diffuse then maybe the short FL of my 6" F4  Newt even my 66mm semi-Apo would be preferable. Can anyone shed light on the best approach to imaging an object like this?


Many thanks in advance,


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I've used everything from a C8 and a 12" Newtonian to a 135mm camera lens for comets over the years, so I would say try all three if you get the opportunity!

The C8 would be good for close-ups of the head and brightest part of the tail, while the shorter focal length of the 66mm would of course take in more of the tail.

Let's hope NEOWISE puts on a great show (and that the weather co-operates)!

Regards, Mike.

Edited by mcrowle
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Bright comets are so few and far between and of such variation it is difficult to put a finger on any scope, camera or particular technique.

I would avoid a mono-cam for sure......


Yes, indeed, i didn't think about that one until it came to processing. (🤦‍♂️)

Looking at the scopes you have (similar to to my  own collection),  I would go for the 6"F4 to get a good wide field view with lots of light gathering potential.

Once you know the nature of the beast, then start specialising.    Being near perihelion  might mean it is moving quite quickly in the field of view as well.




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I still think that elevation and sky brightness are going to be an issue with this unless it brightens dramatically. Otherwise it's only going to show itself well in processed imagery (hopefully I'll have my new camera in time :) ).

A difuse mag 2.5 or less object will be difficult on my N horizon in July.

Hope I'm wrong but I'm concerned about yet another hopefull failing to deliver. Here's hoping for mag 0 :)

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2 hours ago, Paul M said:

I still think that elevation and sky brightness are going to be an issue with this unless it brightens dramatically. Otherwise it's only going to show itself well in processed imagery (hopefully I'll have my new camera in time :) ).

A difuse mag 2.5 or less object will be difficult on my N horizon in July.

Hope I'm wrong but I'm concerned about yet another hopefull failing to deliver. Here's hoping for mag 0 :)

Yeah, "it's not gonna happen" is basically the default predictor for bright comets 😂

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2 hours ago, Craney said:

I would avoid a mono-cam for sure......


Yes, indeed, i didn't think about that one until it came to processing. (🤦‍♂️)


I dunno, I quite like that. Arty!

I also have a 12" F5 Newt but it's just too much of a hassle in terms of setup I think.

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For sure it will be behind the house or below the privet hedge come July.  So going small and lightweight might be the best way initially .     

I've just added the 8" extension to my EQ6 pier to try to get the planets above the foliage !!!!  Only thing is, I keep falling asleep at about 0100am and miss them totally...-doh!!

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Also hoping to snap some images this month, not sure how well it will work on my mono+RGB filters but I'm going to try if weather permits.

Ideally the night of the 10/11th where my framing would also include the broken heart cluster, although not the most interesting of the open clusters it would add a little something extra. 


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