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astro mick

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NGC6960a.thumb.png.448183cc0100a40661448e0c093c8d72.pngThe Western Veil.I only have an old canon 1000D to image in widefield,so this is the result of 3hrs of 480 second subs with this camera.The noise was quite poor with these warm nights,so it did.nt help matters.

However I,m quite satisfied with the result of this old astro modded camera.It looks like I,ve just caught the edge of Pickerings Triangle,shame I did,nt frame it better.

I did calibrate with the usual.

Cheers all.



Edited by astro mick
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2 hours ago, Wyvernp said:

I think you've done a lovely job on that, especially with an uncooled sensor in this heat. Were you using any filters? 


Yes thanks for the comment.I used the Astronomik Ha and O3 clip filters which are both 12nm.

I was,nt sure how to process these images,as they just download as red and green images.

I found the easiest method was to convert them to greyscale,process and then using the RGB channels in Photo-shop restore back into colour.

Their maybe better ways,i,m not sure.

Anyway thanks again.


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