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EP6 - Sunday, 21st June 2020 7:30pm BST - Hershel to Hawkwind by Peter Williamson


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This Sunday at 7:30 we are joined by Peter Williamson FRAS of http://www.peterwilliamson.co.uk/http://www.solarsphere.events/ and http://www.astroradio.earth/. Peter is an astronomer, broadcaster and musician who created the Astro Radio station, organises the Slarsphere astronomical and music festival as well as delivering talks / workshops across the country. He is also a Deep Sky imaging consultant for the Faulkes telescope as well as many other things related to astronomy and astronomy outreach - we are very honoured to welcome him.

Peter was meant to join us at last years star party to deliver this talk but following the floods in Herefordshire the star party was cancelled so we are very pleased to be able to invite Peter to deliver this talk to us virtually! 🙂

Peter is going to deliver the talk Herschel to Hawkwind, Astronomy & Music how each influence each other.

We look forward to seeing you Sunday, at 7:30PM. Zoom meeting details will be posted here Sunday.

Meeting details below:

Topic: EP6 - Hershel to Hawkwind by Peter Williamson
Time: Jun 21, 2020 07:30 PM London

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Meeting ID: 937 4154 0897
Password: 406334

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I will have to watch!!!

We are Hawkwind deprived here in the states :(

I have had the privilege to see them three times.

Then a few years ago Nik Turner played right here in Charlotte, NC!


The best part...

He needed a place to stay after the show!!!

He went home with someone that lived closer, but I almost had Nik Turner sleeping on my couch!!! :)




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Have been reading Peter's website this morning - Looking forward to this immensely!


While I'm here, were going to do the Q&A a little differently tonight...

We'll give you the opportunity ask your question, rather than Grant or I do it. We did it for Mark and Ian's talk on Wednesday last, and it worked quite well!

So, what we're suggesting is:

  • Ask your question in Chat as normal - so we can see who has a question
  • If you are not able to ask it yourself, or prefer not to, put a *N at the end, and then we'll know to ask it for you
  • We'll click a button when it's time, and then Zoom will pop up a notice saying "the host wants you to unmute"
  • Click on that and away you go!


See you all tonight!


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That was entertaining. I'm mostly a classical (and some jazz) guy so a lot of that was not that well-known to me. When the world returns to normal, I mentioned Attingham Park which is the National Trust place just south of Shrewsbury. The main house dates to around 1760 and they like to have people come along and play music, and they can use the pipe organ in there. The only rule is the music must belong to the period of 1760 - 1800ish and when I was there they were advertising a programme of music by Herschel. 

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Very entertaining talk indeed, my wife and I watched it together and she was well chuffed at the presentation  as well.  Very good  music and video too. Thanks to Pete and of course Daz and Grant for running the show! 

We have been to see the stage show of "War of the World" twice on the bigger island, fantastic music and great technology! 

Best regards, Christina and Hadyn - Isle of Man.

Edited by hadyn42
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