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Imaging the sun with iPhone


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Today I tried our my new cell phone mount for my telescope. I imaged the sun using my Meade eclipseview 114 Dobsonian tabletop telescope.it came with a solar filter and had aperture I wanted within a set price husband set for me for all the Astro related stuff I wanted .. so please tell me how I can improve upon imaging the sun or what other filters I can try..


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That is about the most that you can extract in terms of an image with your current equipment. I think it is a very good picture, nice and sharp and looks in focus. 

The big problem is that the sun is a bit boring now and just an orange ball! Pictures will look more exciting when there are some sun spots.

Filters probably wont make a significant difference. 

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I hope you are filtering the sun at the objective end of the telescope and not with a filter at the camera end as focused sunlight heat can crack those smaller filters.

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