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Peter Drew

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 WARNING! (Contains OTA cutting and drilling)

During the initial lockdown and being confined to the house I used a cobbled together solar telescope made from a Coronado 60mm etalon and BF15 fitted to a SW ST80.  Much better than nothing but leaving a little to be desired.  Now back at the Centre, albeit on my own, I decided to build a replacement G & G version that would address some of the previous shortcomings and add some further versatility.  The new setup is based on a Bresser 90mm F10 achromat and the same Coronado etalon and BF15. Several inches were cut from the tube :evil4: as I want to be able to use binoviewers with or without a Barlow.  I upgraded the focuser by fitting the R & P from the ST80, yes it really was an upgrade from the plastic Bresser original.  Some holes were drilled in the tube :evil4:  to accept a pinhole projection solar "finder".  The final result is an instrument that I can use for Ha, white light with a HW, with or without binoviewers up to 100x and with little effort, night time as well.  A very brief try out confirmed that the performance was up to expectations.  I'll try and get a photo together once I can put a bit of lipstick on it.     🙂  

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