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Moon Occults Venus - 2020 JUN 19


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The 4% illuminated waning crescent Moon will occult (cover) magnitude -3.8 crescent Venus on Friday 2020 JUN 19.

Before sunrise the event will be fully visible in portions of Canada near the Atlantic, and as an emersion in New England.

This will be visible to observers in much of Eurasia including the British Isles. However, it will happen there during the daytime.

A telescope or binoculars will likely be necessary. Take care to avoid aiming at the Sun.

The immersion will occur on the lunar bright limb, with emersion on the dark limb. Any observers on the graze path can witness an interrupted Venus appearing to pass through lunar hills and valleys. Those north of the only graze path will see a full occultation.

Photos and descriptions of the occultation would be welcome additions to this thread. 

If you would like specific occultation or graze predictions for your location, please reply to this post with your longitude, latitude, elevation and time zone.



Details for observers in London:


Edited by CentaurZ
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That is some great info.


I would be very grateful if I could receive data for the start of immersion and emersion for my location:

Lat: 59 deg 20' N

Long: 18 deg 5' E

Elev: 10 meters

Time zone: UTC+2

Many thanks in advance!


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7 minutes ago, johnturley said:

Unfortunately weather outlook not great from the UK.


In one of those rare occurances it seems Sweden will have a sunny midsummer's eve (Friday). Any swede will tell you this is almost the stuff of legend and myth, not sure it has ever happened before to be honest. Well, there is still time for unforecasted rain clouds to roll in though so I shall not get my hopes up.

Edited by davhei
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9 hours ago, davhei said:

That is some great info.


I would be very grateful if I could receive data for the start of immersion and emersion for my location:

Lat: 59 deg 20' N

Long: 18 deg 5' E

Elev: 10 meters

Time zone: UTC+2

Many thanks in advance!


Here it is. Confirmation of my timings would be appreciated. 😀


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I went for a run at 6am - it was heavily overcast with low cloud and high humidity. Sure enough, about half an hour before ingress it started raining heavily, just to make sure... I logged onto the live feed from an observatory in Germany which was showing Venus until about a minute before ingress, then the clouds miraculously rolled in and wiped it out.  

Edited by Tenor Viol
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