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Ghost Bush Cluster & Fireworks Galaxy


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The data looks ok to me, one thing to note is that galaxies generally need longer exposures than clusters.

The cluster looks good to me but the galaxy might just a bit light on data. Maybe try 3 minutes and 5 minutes (maybe longer if your guiding is good and there's not too much sensor noise. Your cluster may take it as it's not too dense so shouldn't blow out too much. Worth experimenting with as its a nice image combination.

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Thanks for the info. I will try longer exposure again. Having huge problems with all these Elon Musk satellites wizzing across my frames so thats why I shortened them. :)

I am wondering how to get more colour in photshop do I increase the saturation?





Edited by Prolifics
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30 minutes ago, Prolifics said:

I am wondering how to get more colour in photshop do I increase the saturation?

Have a watch of this when its posted on YT good stuff about colour saturation.




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3 hours ago, Prolifics said:

Just had another play maybe too much but I think I have more colour

That looks much better, I think you've got it about right here. Post processing is about gentle manipulation to tease out the best.

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