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I've been less active lately in this hobby, but I've a few images done, others waiting in the pipeline to be processed.

This is a "crowded" area of our Milky Way galaxy, visible all summer from the northern hemisphere. The Cygnus constellation is home of many named and nameless nebulae.
Starting from the left (North), below the brightest star, Deneb, the Pelican and the North America Nebulae are very popular; going to right, just below the brightest star close to the center of the image, Sadr, lies the Gamma Cygni Nebula. A bit towards the top-right there's the Crescent Nebula and going forward top-right, there's the Tulip Nebula. Finally, at the bottom-right corner, the Veil Nebula, a super nova remnant.
All these are surrounded by shiny gaseous filaments or dusty patches blocking the light.

I started this during the pandemic lockdown. All of the data was captured from my hometown from a balcony brightly lit by a sodium street lamp, but the narrowband filters did their job well, blocking successfully the sodium emission.

A total of 23 hours is made of 2x3 panels composed in a larger mosaic, each panel consisting in about 1h of exposure for the red Hydrogen and 3h of exposure for the cyan Oxigen, all through a Sigma 105 macro stopped at F/4, ASI1600MMC with 6nm Astronomik filters.

I'm planning to shoot RGB data too and make an RGB/HOO composition.

Cheers and clear skies!


astrobin link: https://www.astrobin.com/r22yre/

flickr link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/170274755@N05/49939128338/


Edited by alexbb
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Thank you all very much! This is, in fact, only half of the original resolution. I also started thinking how to compose the multi panel images in order to fit better some more common ratios for printing. At 9260x8730 it should come out fairly large without overscaling the image.

I'm currently shooting some R, not sure if it's worth it under the moon, but I don't expect much either. I'll see if I keep the data or not. It's been quite cloudy lately and very unusually cold. We should have 30C+ during the day, but it barely warms to 20C 😮 Not that I complain...

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