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IC1396 with binned OIII


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I've always been disappointed with the OIII data I collect in terms of signal level and noise so I decided to try binning for the first time.

This is 60 x 180s Ha and 30 x 180s OIII binned 2x2, combined as R:G:B = Ha : 0.3*Ha+0.7*OIII : 0.3*Ha+0.7*OIII.

Samyang 135mm with ASI1600 (gain 139 : offset 50 : -20 degrees) all unguided on iOptron CEM25-EC.


Calibrated and integrated in APP, edge effects cropped, DBE and HistogramStretch in PI followed by final levels and minimal noise reduction in PS.

As always C&C welcome.

Thanks for looking.


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On 23/05/2020 at 10:54, MarkAR said:

Lovely image with nice colour balance.


42 minutes ago, John Nodding said:

Love this Adrian! 👍


29 minutes ago, carastro said:

I bin my coloured data, Oiii and Sii all the time,  I'd never get enough clear skies to complete an image otherwise.

Good move and result.

Thanks for the kind comments everyone. The binning has worked well and seems to have given more colour depth than I achieved with the same data but without binning the OIII. The Baader OIII filter is an 8nm whereas my Ha filter is a 4nm Astronomik. I'm hoping to treat myself to the 2", 4nm Astronomik OIII before the next nebula season comes round - and the matching SII maybe?

Thanks again.


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1 minute ago, apophisOAS said:

Brilliant , especially as done with a non astro lens but what a lens can wait to find focus on my samyang 135mm , 


Thank you Roger. Once set up the Samyang works really well but getting the spacing right is absolutely critical. Now I've got mine sorted I may never ever take it apart again! Good luck with yours.



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