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Messier Panstarrs

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When I experimented a few nights ago here (sorry Admin that should have been in this section) I knew that the field of view would be ok for Saturday or Sunday, but marginal for Friday.  Nevertheless because it was reasonably clear tonight (Friday!) I had to go for it.  So here is comet C/2017 T2 PANSTARRS as it approaches M 82 and friends.  I knew from my earlier shot that the tail should be pointing East, and so it was (North is up).  I could of course have framed the comet lower down in the image, but that would then have missed out the little galaxy NGC 3077, poor thing.  10 x 5 minute subs, Canon 700D at ISO 1600 with TSFLAT2 on TMB105 refractor (650 mm fl), off-axis guided.








Edited by petevasey
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Thanks everybody.

15 hours ago, PNJ said:

well done peter,

I was sadly clouded out.


Hi, Paul, it didn't clear here until well after midnight.  Then started to haze over around 2 am, so I had to scrap some subs.  It should be clear again tomorrow (Sunday) night and much less windy, when the comet is well located and the Moon is still out of the way.  Sky is darkest between 12.30 and 1.30.  So fingers crossed.



Edited by petevasey
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