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You might like to have a look at 'Scientific Astrophotography' by Gerald H Hubbell. For what it is worth, this is my personal synopsis of the book:-

Hubbell’s background as a Nuclear Instrumentation and Controls Engineer shows through in the writing style of this book as it is unlike any other book you will have read on the subject of Astrophotography.

Hubbell introduces the reader to a whole host of new acronyms, some of his own making and these make for rather tiresome reading after a while. These and the general writing style read more like an in-depth functional specification document on the subject of astrophotography than typical books on the subject. Unfortunately, this gives the book a rather cold feel but it is well worth persevering as useful and, more importantly, accurate information is hidden within the text of the ‘observation program’ that he is training you to develop.

Subjects covered include equipment choice, integration of the equipment, image acquisition and calibration, scientific image data analysis, how to submit your data to scientific organisations and the use of professional level observatories for image capture.

As the title suggests, the book is not intended to guide you through the process of capturing and processing ‘pretty picture’ astrophotographs but rather how to take images suitable for astrometric, photometric and spectroscopic analysis. The text is fairly heavy on mathematics but the calculations serve to underline the scientific endeavour that the book seeks to teach.

The ‘functional specification’ writing style is both the book’s strength and its weakness – while many readers will see it as underpinning the scientific credentials of the work, others may simply find it just too hard-going.


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8 hours ago, steppenwolf said:

You might like to have a look at 'Scientific Astrophotography' by Gerald H Hubbell. For what it is worth, this is my personal synopsis of the book:-

Hubbell’s background as a Nuclear Instrumentation and Controls Engineer shows through in the writing style of this book as it is unlike any other book you will have read on the subject of Astrophotography.

Hubbell introduces the reader to a whole host of new acronyms, some of his own making and these make for rather tiresome reading after a while. These and the general writing style read more like an in-depth functional specification document on the subject of astrophotography than typical books on the subject. Unfortunately, this gives the book a rather cold feel but it is well worth persevering as useful and, more importantly, accurate information is hidden within the text of the ‘observation program’ that he is training you to develop.

Subjects covered include equipment choice, integration of the equipment, image acquisition and calibration, scientific image data analysis, how to submit your data to scientific organisations and the use of professional level observatories for image capture.

As the title suggests, the book is not intended to guide you through the process of capturing and processing ‘pretty picture’ astrophotographs but rather how to take images suitable for astrometric, photometric and spectroscopic analysis. The text is fairly heavy on mathematics but the calculations serve to underline the scientific endeavour that the book seeks to teach.

The ‘functional specification’ writing style is both the book’s strength and its weakness – while many readers will see it as underpinning the scientific credentials of the work, others may simply find it just too hard-going.


Thanks for writing the summary, Steve. I will have a look at the book. Looking forward to your zoom meeting later at 3am as well 😁

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