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We are looking for someone to join FLO full-time assisting customers via email 🙂 

The ideal person will have knowledge of astronomy equipment and be able to communicate well with customers, colleagues, manufacturers and suppliers.

There are times when stellar communication and the patience of a saint are necessary to achieve a positive outcome. Indeed these skills are probably more important than technical ones, because the technical side can be taught.

We are based in Exeter but it doesn't matter where you live because we are looking for a remote worker. Not just during the lockdown but ongoing. 

If you are able to also assist at events like star parties, the International Astronomy Show or Astrofest, that would be an advantage. 

Pay will be based on knowledge and experience but everyone at FLO is paid The Real Living Wage or higher. 

Perks of the job include the ability to work in your pyjamas and have access to more astronomy equipment than you can shake a stick at! 🔭

Please email your cover letter and CV in confidence to us at jointheteam@firstlightoptics.com 

We look forward to hearing from you 🤗

Closing date 1st June. 

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It might be the sort of thing that's very tempting once the children are out of school, though if I have the patience of a saint it's probably one who is a bit choosy about who they're patient with :D

Unfortunately I have another three years of penury to go before I'm school fee free.


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2 hours ago, FLO said:

Perks of the job include the ability to work in your pyjamas and have access to more astronomy equipment than you can shake a stick at! 🔭

That's temptation beyond belief, I'd do it for free. Wonder how the Mrs would react if I end up with half a dozen mounts and scopes to test out in the garden.

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22 minutes ago, MarkAR said:

That's temptation beyond belief, I'd do it for free. Wonder how the Mrs would react if I end up with half a dozen mounts and scopes to test out in the garden.

Like mine did when I had a couple of ED150 refractors knocking around as well as my own scopes ! :rolleyes2:


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1 hour ago, MarkAR said:

That's temptation beyond belief, I'd do it for free. Wonder how the Mrs would react if I end up with half a dozen mounts and scopes to test out in the garden.

With half a dozen mounts and scopes in the garden, would you even notice? :D


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I reckon geography is the only reason why many wouldn't go for a job at FLO, so I'm certain this will get tons of interest! It really is a fabulous opportunity for someone. 

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Just imagine having all that lovely equipment around you,
you'd be so excited, you will forget the job you're supposed to do.
I'm sure one to be chosen is filling in His / Her application  right now.
Congrats to the person selected, what a dream job.

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On 13/05/2020 at 21:31, FLO said:

... it doesn't matter where you live because we are looking for a remote worker. Not just during the lockdown but ongoing. 

We are being asked if we would consider someone living outside the UK.

Yes. We would 🙂 

On 13/05/2020 at 21:31, FLO said:

If you are able to also assist at events like star parties, the International Astronomy Show or Astrofest, that would be an advantage. 

We have edited the above. It is desirable, not a necessity. 

Finding the 'right' person for the role is more important to us than where you live or whether you can travel. 



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On 13/05/2020 at 15:31, FLO said:

There are times when stellar communication and the patience of a saint are necessary to achieve a positive outcome.

Well that rules me out.  There's multiple reasons I've never been in a customer facing job, and lack of patience would be high among them. 😁

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2 minutes ago, AstroRuz said:

The whole working from home thing sounds like a really good perk.

I guess far more people now know what it's like than would otherwise be the case.  I've done it for over twenty years now.  It does demand a fair bit of discipline.  There can be a lot of positives from a work/life balance point of view.  In my case I can be and in fact sometimes need to be flexible about what hours I work, so I can do other things that would be difficult with, say, a normal nine to five office job.  For instance it has allowed me to spend two or three hours a week as a volunteer swimming coach at a local school.  And in fact "at home" doesn't necessarily have to be "at home".  It's not without it's challenges however.  I don't, for example, get to socialise with very many people outside my immediate family because I just don't meet that many people.  School holidays can be tricky, especially when you have pre-teen children.  Doubly so if the weather is bad and they're stuck in the house.  In fact even when they get into their teens it's tricky, but the problems are often different.  Right now it's a bit awkward because all of us are at home and the children are live-streaming lessons from school for probably five hours a day over an internet connection that really isn't up to it whilst I'm trying to use it for work, but hopefully that's a relatively short-term issue.

Personally I love it.  I'm not sure how I'd cope if I had to go back to working in an office again.  I've known people who tried it and absolutely hated it however.  It really does depend on the kind of person you are and how it fits in to everything else you want to do with your life.


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Actually, I'd add that ideally I think you need space that you can treat specifically as a "work space".  Fortunately I have a small office in the house, though it's use has expanded a little beyond just "work" to be fair.  It does mean that I can close the door to either shut everyone else out if I need peace and quiet or to leave work behind and be "off duty".  I know a few other people who have built a pre-fab "log cabin" in the garden to enforce the same kind of separation between "work" and "home".


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11 minutes ago, JamesF said:

Actually, I'd add that ideally I think you need space that you can treat specifically as a "work space".  Fortunately I have a small office in the house, though it's use has expanded a little beyond just "work" to be fair.  It does mean that I can close the door to either shut everyone else out if I need peace and quiet or to leave work behind and be "off duty".  I know a few other people who have built a pre-fab "log cabin" in the garden to enforce the same kind of separation between "work" and "home".


Oh I'm with you there. I'm on Furlough leave currently so I've been basically just doing my YouTube and website stuff "full-time" and I fully understand what you mean about needing discipline. My partner uses our spare "office" room as her office currently as she's actually working from home. But yes not being in an area where you can treat as an office and differentiate it. Certainly I can see how that's going to be difficult.

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5 minutes ago, Ags said:

Forget the real living wage. Duz you gets staff discounts?

in the motor trade we used to get cost+5%... tho I guess the margin on some astro gear isn't all that high, sure isn't on computer hardware these days.

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I fail the reading emails test... And my current job is basically tech support by email and Teams!

I am sure this job will make someone really happy! Especially if the annual performance-related bonus is paid in green and black!

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