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HCG 44 attempt


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This is my first try at one of the Hickson Compact Group targets. It was a bit ambitious as I am really a beginner with modest equipment, but I like a challenge and thought I would give it a go! It isn't the most visually pleasing compared to some others I've seen here, but I'm quite happy I got what I did.

My (modest) equipment list:

Scope: Starwave 102ED-R

Mount: EQ3-2 with dual axis motor drive

Camera: Canon 1000D

Total exposure time was 48 minutes. I imaged for about 1 and a half hours but the wind was high last night so being on such a budget setup, I'm lucky to keep what I did! Think I might spend another night or 2 on this to add more.


Not sure whether the closeup or the wider field view is better?

HCG 44 Night 1.png


Edited by MylesGibson
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20 minutes ago, Star101 said:

Both are good.

More data is ALWAYS needed ;)

The wide shows at least one other galaxy, top left. 


Thank you. Yeah, I agree, more data is always good to get! 

I was leaning more towards the cropped one but kept the wide because of that cheeky extra galaxy sneaking in!

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For modest equipment and a rather breezy night you did very well. You've managed to capture a nice amount of detail in the galaxies, your stars are a good shape and it looks like you have a reasonable snr in your background.  I would say it was a very good session and not in the least 'a bit ambitious'.

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4 minutes ago, Stargazer33 said:

For modest equipment and a rather breezy night you did very well. You've managed to capture a nice amount of detail in the galaxies, your stars are a good shape and it looks like you have a reasonable snr in your background.  I would say it was a very good session and not in the least 'a bit ambitious'.

That's very much appreciated, thanks. I was happy with what I captured but think it could be improved still with another session! 

I like to be a bit ambitious and try something a bit different. I'm happy when it turns out well! I see a lot of the same galaxies and nebula so even if my pictures arent quite as visually nice, I quite like these kinds of challenges

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Great result, I think I prefer the widefield shot. 

When starting out it’s useful to image the favourites as there are lots of examples to compare them to, but it’s also great to see objects “off the beaten track” being posted.

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8 minutes ago, tomato said:

When starting out it’s useful to image the favourites as there are lots of examples to compare them to, but it’s also great to see objects “off the beaten track” being posted.

Absolutely. I have done all the usual targets, a lot of messier objects, bright galaxies etc, but after doing those, I still go back to them and redo them after learning more, but I also like to go for something different every now and then. For example, I done the Leo triplet over the weekend, I've done it before and I like that target, but then afterwards I decided to go for something a little different. I'll probably do another session or 2 on this then go for something a bit more...... Classic as it were.

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