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A new? better shorter, more well balanced newton telescope design


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Thinking about ways to not have your imaging train sticking straight out from the side of the tube torquing the scope in all funny ways possible. So, I put down my thinking on paper. For all I know might very well only be good for wiping my Bottom with but maybe someone can detail it to me in a more precise, scientific way why ...




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12 minutes ago, Astrofail said:

Thinking about ways to not have your imaging train sticking straight out from the side of the tube torquing the scope in all funny ways possible. So, I put down my thinking on paper. For all I know might very well only be good for wiping my Bottom with but maybe someone can detail it to me in a more precise, scientific way why ...




Perfectly possible, but it will require more back focus and hence a larger secondary mirror.

Why not place you imaging train such that it points in towards the mount. This minimises its effects.

Regards Andrew 

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Nice idea but it would require a larger than normal secondary mirror that would be similar in size to one that directs the beam through a hole in the primary.  Have not figured out though if your design would give a correct oriented image yet which could be useful.


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To achieve the configuration shown in the diagram would involve the use of a secondary mirror in excess of 50%, not "fatal" for imaging but still not desirable.  A refracting re-imaging system replacing the second diverting flat would be better and could relay the image to the camera much in the manner of a periscope.  A Mersenne telescope arrangement could achieve a similar result.     🙂

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How about using a standard reflector set up, right angle prism to point down to the base and a long optical lens set up to place your imaging rig at the back.  Basically a small long telescope with a diagonal that fits into a standard 2" focuser.

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Something like this has been done before a long time ago, If I'm correct it has been done by a guy in UK.
And if I'm correct(again) he did the same with a Cassegrain.
I do have a picture of it... some where on one of my old HD's.

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And btw you will need a third mirror.

A better approach would be simply tilting the secondary mirror at a steeper angle.
That secondary mirror will be larger also, but you don't need that third anymore.

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