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I found trying to download  data from 2 different cameras onto the same laptop caused the download to hang and therefore did not proceed to capture the next image.  This could be because I don't have a high spec laptop.   So I use 2 laptops if using my dual rig.  From what I have read I don't think others seem to have this problem.


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On 08/05/2020 at 21:27, RayD said:

Dithering is an issue because if one camera is capturing when the mount dithers, it will ruin the sub as it will have trails.  Big deal with Ha particularly where you may be doing long subs.

Astrophotography Tool takes care of that , if its going to dither one scope it will pause the other scope before obviously delaying things a little on the other open APT, very clever , i swear by it...its bloody good🤣


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On 08/05/2020 at 23:10, Midnight_lightning said:

That's interesting, so if I understand correctly I could run my 20 minute NB on the guiding OAG/Scope and the 5 minute RGB on the tandem scope - and just accept that only 3 of 4 RGB's will be usable - still not a bad return.

Yes, I haven't looked at weight issues yet but will also be buying another mount - was anticipating an EQ6R-Pro for a single scope but two might be pushing it.


I have an EQ6-R Pro and its handles a Skywatcher 120 ED and an Altair astro 66ED-r plus 2 cameras plus Eagle3 s Control unit plus Guidescope.


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19 hours ago, tomato said:

I run two Esprit 150s on a Mesu 200. Although the mount is up to it (although it is a hell of a lump on the move when it is slewing!) a big issue is differential flexture of the OTAs on a side by side mounting. I have a JTD adjustable saddle but it is right on the limit in terms of weight capacity, it will receive an upgrade/modification during the summer break (lockdown permitting). I would support Olly’s saddle recommendation if you can get hold of one. Once the cameras have been aligned, a large alloy bracing plate is clamped down across the top of the tube rings. Without this, the scopes will creep enough to be noticeable on 5 min subs, especially on certain scope orientations.

I use an OAG and run 2 copies of SGP on two laptops, laptop 1 running the scope, camera, focuser, mount and OAG, the other just the other camera and scope. I put up with lost frames when focusing, but I run the focus routine at the same time on both scopes.

It is quite a challenge to get it up and running, but it’s all worth it when you see the integration time racking up on every session.

A canny manufacturer might make a siamese OTA with advantage...


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re Carastro's question I have seen on Tomato's dual ring where one laptop runs the mount, PHD and a imaging camera that you could say that this runs two cameras (guide and imaging) but if PHD and the main image camera decide to download together then PHD looses the guide camera connection so I guess its a bandwidth or com port clash issue. PHD flags the warning of the lost camera but it always reconnects when the bus is quite.

Edited by Tomatobro
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On my dual rig, a Mesu 200 with an Esprit 150 and an Esprit 100, I use two laptops since I am convinced I would run into (more) trouble with only one. One laptop runs Cartes du Ciel (free and the one recommended by Lucas Mesu) to control the mount, PHD2 (Lodestar on an OAG on the 150), and one ASI camera (usually ASI071). The other laptop just runs the other ASI camera (usually ASI1600 for Ha) on the Esprit 100. I connect the Lodestar to the USB hub in the ASI camera on the 150. I use ASICAP (ZWOs free capture software) and I do not think it could control two ASI cameras so I would have to learn to use some other capturing program. In any case, using two laptops probably means less riskt for USB crashes.

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I use one PC for my dual rig...... The cmaera's are different (QSI and Moravian) so there's no confusion about drivers. I have 2x Lakeside auto focusers, and hey run fine as there's a driver for running two together. I've never had a problem with any type of conflict and everything runs perfectly.

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2 minutes ago, swag72 said:

I use one PC for my dual rig...... The cmaera's are different (QSI and Moravian) so there's no confusion about drivers. I have 2x Lakeside auto focusers, and hey run fine as there's a driver for running two together. I've never had a problem with any type of conflict and everything runs perfectly.

Is this running two instances of SGPro, Sara?

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3 hours ago, Midnight_lightning said:

That sounds impressive - any idea how much it all weighs?

EQ6R-r pRO  Capacity 20 KG

SW120p                      5.1

Altair Astro 66ED-r     2.0

Atik460EX MM            .4

Eagle3                        1.2

counterweights are not included in weight limits but 10-15 KG(2 or 3).


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My entire dual scope setup runs on a single Intel Compute stick (M3) with a single USB port. Computing power seems to be more than able to cope with demand but I only have USB2 cameras (2xMoravian and a Lodestar for guiding) and don't do any planetary imaging. In the past all my issues were related to drivers, USB hubs (also laptop internal) and USB connections. As has been mentioned each camera, filter wheel, focuser etc. has to have a dedicated ASCOM driver (if ASCOM is the weapon of choice). Some manufacturers already provide two separate drivers (e.g. camera1 driver, camera2 driver) but its worth checking beforehand.

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