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Considering an Asiair pro with AZGti

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Watched a few youtube videos on this bit of kit and I think its something I would benefit from tbh. Love the idea of being wireless and maybe even imaging / EEVA from inside the house once its set up.

Has anyone used one with a Skywatcher AZGTi it sounds as though it is supposed to work, but there seems a few posts from people on here who had issues??

I know I could got the Astroberry route, or the stellarmate route, but the AsiAir seems almost plug and play tbh.

Would love to hear peoples experiences, especially with the AZGTi

Many thanks



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  • 1 month later...


I recently bought one and (yesterday) received my ASIAIR Pro to go with it.

It's worth saying that I am also relatively new to the DSO world, but to me it seems brilliant.

AZ-GTI on the SkyWatcher wedge(EQ-Mode) coupled with a WO Z61 using a DSLR for imaging and ZWO guide scope and camera.

We are also just in the process of testing the updated(beta software) SkySafari Plus so that going forward you only need one device(old days you needed two devices, Apple IOS issue).

Personally I love it and below are a few images I have taken, no where near the best in the world compared to some of the boys on here, but I'm please and hopefully can only get better.




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On 17/06/2020 at 13:26, KEJ said:


I recently bought one and (yesterday) received my ASIAIR Pro to go with it.

It's worth saying that I am also relatively new to the DSO world, but to me it seems brilliant.

AZ-GTI on the SkyWatcher wedge(EQ-Mode) coupled with a WO Z61 using a DSLR for imaging and ZWO guide scope and camera.

We are also just in the process of testing the updated(beta software) SkySafari Plus so that going forward you only need one device(old days you needed two devices, Apple IOS issue).

Personally I love it and below are a few images I have taken, no where near the best in the world compared to some of the boys on here, but I'm please and hopefully can only get better.




May I ask, where did you mount your AsiAir??

Have you put it in the finder bracket??

Was a bit concerned about adding more weight and was thinking of attaching it to top of one of the tripod legs. However this would mean multiple cables to cameras etc will need to be long enough to allow for movement of the mount. Whereas if the unit is mounted on the finder bracket there would only be a need for one long cable to power it and allow for movement, the rest of the cables to cameras etc could be shorter? 

Any suggestions?



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Of course.

Mine already had a WO finder bracket on the top left of the scope, so I have used that for guiding(ZWO camera + scope).

Then earlier today, I also ordered off Amazon a similar bracket to go on the right hand side, I will then mount the ASIAIR Pro on that.

I know what you mean about the weight and cables, but I think that's the best option for the moment for me anyway,  maybe if I had a longer dovetail plate (245+) then it could have gone on there closer to the centre of gravity.

I will also possibly try to take some of the weight of the cables and distribute that on the tripod legs, so just enough slack for movement, if that makes sense.





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18 minutes ago, KEJ said:

Of course.

Mine already had a WO finder bracket on the top left of the scope, so I have used that for guiding(ZWO camera + scope).

Then earlier today, I also ordered off Amazon a similar bracket to go on the right hand side, I will then mount the ASIAIR Pro on that.

I know what you mean about the weight and cables, but I think that's the best option for the moment for me anyway,  maybe if I had a longer dovetail plate (245+) then it could have gone on there closer to the centre of gravity.

I will also possibly try to take some of the weight of the cables and distribute that on the tripod legs, so just enough slack for movement, if that makes sense.





Think I will get myself a dual finder bracket. So the guidescope and AsiAir will be on that. 

Thanks again. 

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Short term 

I have found an old eyepiece lens camera holder that I have attached to a tripod leg and fitted the ASIAIR to that(Fig1).


Long term

I have ordered another bracket from Amazon similar to the one holding my guide scope and I will probably use that on the righthand side of the scope(Fig2)


Fig1 - short term



Fig2 - Long term





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So I tried the ASIAIR Pro last night.

21 X 3min exposures using a Nikon DSLR(D3300), I  need to experiment with ISO etc.......tried Live Stacking, although this was via DSS and the guiding is pretty impressive also, really pleased with the device.





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That looks and sounds very promising. I am waiting on a dual finder bracket. But I doubt I will get much opportunity to use the set up til the nights start getting a bit longer now. 

Still, gives me time to familiarise myself with the AsiAir and what my new set up is going to look like. 

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Tell me about it, I went to bed around 01:30, up before 06:00, strangely enough I feel tired.

Yes, I watched a few YouTube video's and then setup in the spare room to play. Personally and early days, but I think the device is pretty awesome.

My Fits files were in B&W, so I used pipp to get the colour out and my other school boy error as I was using a crop sensor camera(DSLR Nikon D3300) was to get the FL of the WO Z61(360mm) and multiply it by 1.5, so in the App for my main camera I made it 540mm and funny enough the PA would not work.  Back to 360mm and bingo, its just very impressive how it all fits together.

Actually I just did a re-tweak in Photoshop.



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My other little bracket just arrived, so now I will mount the ASIAIR Pro on the scope.  Maybe this way around or I will reverse it, see once I add the cables.


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My "multi finder bracket" arrived today. 

Oddly it didn't fit the Altair finder base on my scope. So needed a little fettling. Anyway all good now. 

I have currently mounted everything like this:-







I had to use a second counter weight to balance everything. The total weight with the counterweights is approx 4.6kg. 

I wonder if a longer counterweight shaft could allow me to get away with one counterweight. 

I will see how it goes and re configure if needed. Perhaps mounting the AsiAir on one of the tripod legs. But that has the issue of having long enough cables as i said previously as more of them will need enough length to allow for movement of the scope. 





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Yes, that was my issue, longer leads and more likely to tangle as well.

So I thought get everything as close to the axis as possible(lower) and that means shorter leads(bit less weight as well).


In your case the ASIAIR Pro is pretty light anyway, although the closer to the centre of gravity the better.

Regarding a longer shaft, I assume when stationary the Net weight will be less, however, as its like a lever, I assume the motor on the turning point will still need the same force if though you had the two weights or whatever is needed for the balance point.


Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.


The bottom line if it works......Also with the ASIAIR Pro is there a need for the red dot finder as the device pretty much centres on whatever you want it to or do you use it for other things as well.




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In the past. I have used the RDF to eyeball Polaris through. Prior to using Sharpcap for polar alignment. I assumed this would still be good practice?

What's your polar alignment routine like??

Tbh it's not going to save a lot of weight removing it. Lol. 



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I was the same, bear in mind I am also pretty new to all of this.

I mean ok, maybe that is not a bad idea and as you say and it works, what the hell. 

However, with the ASIAIR Pro, no need, point in the general direction the best you can and let it do its thing.

I suppose why not try it on your next outing, providing the weather improves !

Have you managed to have a play with your ASIAIR Pro outside yet or the weather has beaten you ?



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  • 4 weeks later...

Well. Even though I haven't actually used it yet. I decided to re locate the AsiAir to the tripod leg. 

I feel this will be better weight wise. Just need to manage the cables to the cameras suitably. 




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  • 10 months later...
2 hours ago, spaceiraq said:

Hello .  I am asking a question I have a dslr d5600 does it work with Asiair?

Yes it's listed as one of the cameras you can use.



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  • 1 month later...

I have recently purchased a AAP and was going to mount the device on my fs bracket on my sw 72ed AzGti but decide that I will mount it to the extension pillar on my tripod as I have now mounted my guidescope in line with my scope and want all the weight centralised and balanced better. I will post an image once I've managed all my cables successfully. I'd like to ask does anyone here power their az gti through the AAP or with a separate power supply as I'm sure I've read somewhere that it's a but if a power drain. All I have connected to my AAP is Canon 600D, zwo asi120mc-s guidecam, USB stick and lynx astro eqdir cable. 



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I have before. I had my asiair set up on my main eq5, controlling that, but I had  a second mount set up with the azgti unguided, and powered that from the asiair. Had no problems. Obviously make sure the psu powering the asiair is beefy enough though.

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13 minutes ago, powerlord said:

I have before. I had my asiair set up on my main eq5, controlling that, but I had  a second mount set up with the azgti unguided, and powered that from the asiair. Had no problems. Obviously make sure the psu powering the asiair is beefy enough though.

Thank you powerlord, I'm powering mine by the msins with the zwo 12v 5a power supply from FLO so hoping with all I've got connected on the AAP it will be fine powering the az gti mount. Then I'll have my spare battery pack powering my 2 dew heater straps. 

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