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Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)

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6 hours ago, dd999 said:

Based on current mag decreasing assumptions - is this still looking likely to be visible (relatively clearly) in 10x50 bins this time next week?

It's for a specific event 

Up until now the comet was approaching Earth so that offset the dimming from receding from the Sun. But now it is getting further away from both the Earth and the Sun, so it will dim much more rapidly from now on.

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53 minutes ago, Ags said:

Up until now the comet was approaching Earth so that offset the dimming from receding from the Sun. But now it is getting further away from both the Earth and the Sun, so it will dim much more rapidly from now on.

That's what I was afraid off. Looks like our best views of Neowise are behind us - at least for the next 5-6,000 years 

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I got this image last night but the moon is starting to cause some problems and it not quite as bring as a few days ago.  It will be interesting to see in a couple weeks after the moon rises late enough to not light up the sky.     130 x 30 seconds at ISO-800   55mm f4





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Still easy to pick up with 11x70 binoculars tonight but I could not get it with the naked eye. Maybe when it's completely dark ?

Seems like an old friend now even though it's slowly fading.




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Hi everyone

Just had a quick  look at her and I think she is dimming not as bright tonight and tail  faintish in binoculars

But still worth looking at for me she really was a wonderful sight  


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Quite a nice night here. Comet Neowise is still hanging in there. Once found with 11x70 binoculars it is just about still naked eye visible here tonight, but only just and I don't think I would have picked it out without optical aid to pinpoint it's position first.

Nucleus still showing that noticeable green tint which is apparently a reasonably common phenomenon and due to cyanogen gas surrounding the nucleus becoming ionised.

I got a hasty snap - nothing brilliant compared to many of the superb shots that have been taken but it will have to do for me tonight :smiley:



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Early observations showed a CN emission, but this has not been recorded in the spectrum for some time, similarly, the initial bright Na (Sodium) emissions have gone.

See Torsten' spectra




Edited by Merlin66
spectrum attached
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Another view of Neowise tonight with the 11x70's. Now in Coma Berenices. Still a decent comet in binoculars but its fading now. Tail seemed shorter as well tonight although that might have been the mediocre sky transparency.

Seems a long time ago that I first saw it - 6th of July in fact. By gosh that was exciting !:


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So frustrating down here. Neowise has only just risen above the horizon after sunset, but is too faint to see in the twylight before it sets. I've been out two evenings running scanning the sky with binoculars where it should be, but to no avail.

Oh well, bring on the next one...

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Must be fairly bright still.  It was easy to spot with my 9x63 bins even with a thin cloud layer. Being close to a distinctive group of stars helped to find it quickly. Too low for the scope, I had to look out the bedroom window.

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Got it in the Vixen last night, still hanging in there and was quite easy to find. Didn’t look as green to my eye but that might have been the Moon washing it out.

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On 22/07/2020 at 11:26, Paul M said:

There are some stunning comet images right now on SGL. My "like" button is worn out!

I know it's not a beauty contest and images can be very personal endeavours, but this image stopped me in my tracks. Perhaps it natural, understated quality caught my eye. 

Unfortunately I've been clouded out but this image is exactly how I want to remember this fine comet!

This is f....vermaledeit beautiful!!

Best, U.

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Let me add one more of day before yesterday (night of 30 to 31 July). Processing done in the beta version of APP that now has a comet option. Imaged using SkyWatcher Esprit 150ED and ZWO ASI1600MM Cool Pro, 4 x 12s subs in LRGB, so 16 minutes of data. Stacked in APP without outlier rejection.




Edited by inFINNity Deck
Added technical details
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I had another view of Comet Neowise tonight in 10x50s. It is still  well visible and brighter that  I was expecting. Messier 3 is a good comparison to the north and it's of very similar brightness. Good to catch up again with this famous visitor.


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