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I'm from Belgium. I want to buy a telescope with a goto system. It can't be to heavy because i want to take it with me on my camping trips with my Van. I want to see and take pictures of planets and DSO.

Here in Belgium they recommend me Skywatcher Maksutov MC 127/1500 Skymax scope with a AZ-S goto system or a Wifi system or better an EQ-5 goto (heavy?) (wish is the best?). For camera they recommend me ZWO camera ASI 120 MC-S color. My budget is +/- 1000 EUR  (£ 880) or a bit more.

Has anyone experience with this scope? Or do you recommend me another (better) one  


Edited by Krolvdw
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Hi and welcome to SGL.

I'm afraid that you won't be able to do everything you want on that sort of budget.

Taking pictures is very demanding aspect of hobby and it usually involves dedicated equipment.

Recommended SkyWatcher MC127 is very nice scope and you can get it within your budget in Goto variant. It is also well suited for imaging of planets, but you won't be able to image DSOs with it (it can be done, but it requires great skill and knowledge to do so).

It is also not the best scope for observing DSOs in that price range. It has larger focal length and you will be using larger magnification most of the time. That is fine for smaller objects and planets, but you'll be missing out on wide field views that are very nice.

ASI 120MC is ok camera for planetary work - but not good for DSO imaging.

Maybe you should start by realizing that you won't be able to do it all and just making a priority list - what is most important for you, and we can then give more reasonable recommendations that will satisfy major points on your list.

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The Skywatcher MC127 is similar to my Celestron 127mm Mak and should be a fine scope.   As for the mounts, some of these mounts may leave the Mak rather under-mounted.  Not sure what to suggest except that you view some mounts in a showroom and give them a poke. 🙂

The EQ-5 Synscan GoTo mount is a fine piece of kit which will mount the Mak very solidly, but it's not cheap or particularly light, and you are unlikely to be needing an equatorial with this telescope.   As has been mentioned above, the MC127 and ASI120MC (and an alt-az or EQ GoTo mount) will do well for planetary imaging, but will not be good for DSO imaging.

For serious DSO imaging, you will need an entirely different, and rather expensive outfit. "Make Every Photon Count" is the standard reference.

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To everyone

Thanks for the reply. Now i know what to do. When the lockdown is finished I'll go and visist the planetarium here in Belgium to find out what's the most important for me. Only the planets or the DSO too. They have the scopes to check it. Again thanks.

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