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Az gti to eq gti. Eq panda

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Can confirm my second project with the lattepanda has been a success. 😁 Chuffed to bits, 

Flashed my az gti to the az/eq firmware 

Installed,, CdC, Ascom, eqmod onto my Windows 10 laptop. Plugged az gti eq mod cable from FLO into laptop and azgti, configured to cdc and eqmod,,  azgti now controlled via  cdc.. 

Disconnected the laptop,, plugged the lattepanda in its place,, had to reconfigure comm port,, working via lattepanda now,, 

Last bit of the project,, install tight vnc on laptop,, put in panda ip address,, 

Laptop,, lattepanda are connected to my smartphone hot-spot. 

I now have wireless remote desktop control of the panda,,  eq gti / eq panda is born,, 😁

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Can't you use wifi with ASCOM driver?

I controlled my AzGti via wifi from laptop with ease. You can't control camera and other bits that way, but for mount - you don't need any special hardware.


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Problem is on eqmod side of things,, overflow message.  Don't ask how or why,, just an educated guess. 

Loaded Skywatcher windows app on the panda, changed the azgti to serial mode, connections available, az and eq,, 

Eq chosen,, set lat and long,, two star alignment,, ok. 

Slew to an object,, ok

All via remote desktop,, problem appears to be eq mod/cdc  not  Co operating. 

I can live with what I have,, mount control via synscan on laptop,, byeos, sharpcap, asi studio and hitecastro focus control, all wireless to my laptop,, 


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21 minutes ago, vlaiv said:

Can't you use wifi with ASCOM driver?

I controlled my AzGti via wifi from laptop with ease. You can't control camera and other bits that way, but for mount - you don't need any special hardware.

I'm running full kit wifi,, this is my work around all this,, control of mount wasn't my problem 


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You cannot use EQMOD with Synscan App Ascom driver .

Windows EQMOD is driven by EQMOD Ascom Driver and expects a serial com port.

Synscan Pro App will talk either serial (so USB to AZGTI) or via a network connection - Wired or wireless does not come into it they both use IP address given to Synscan Pro App and the App does not know what method it is using.

Synscan Pro drives the Mount and Synscan Ascom Mobile Driver talks to Synscan Pro.

CDC will talk to Ascom drivers BUT to talk to the mount via Synscan App it has to use the Ascom Synscan Mobile driver  OR (but not both) CDC will talk Ascom EQMOD driver if EQMOD is driving the mount.

I will confess I have no idea if EQMOD will drive a AZGTI (eq or not) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If someone has done it please post details 🙂

Perhaps the attached Official Sky Watchers Synscan diagram will help



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1 minute ago, stash_old said:

You cannot use EQMOD with Synscan App Ascom driver .

Well spotted - I did not realize there was EQMod involved.

1 minute ago, stash_old said:

I will confess I have no idea if EQMOD will drive a AZGTI (eq or not) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If someone has done it please post details

According to EQmod prerequisites page, it will work, but one needs to do a bit of tweaking:



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As you can see from the diagram above EQMOD does not talk to (or didn't last time I did some hard digging) thru Synscan App. Synscan APP decides (or lets you choose) which mode (AZ oe EQ) to use. E.G. If I drove my AZEQ6 via Synscan App (wireless/wired/serial or a piece of string 🙂 ) its the App that ask's me what mode to drive the mount. I guess that the App does some AZ to EQ GoTo conversion!


So the best route IMHO is


Synscan App Pro connects to mount - wired ,serial or wireless and Synscan asks for which mode AZ or EQ

CDC - connects to Ascom Synscan Mobile App - so Synscan App must be running

Anything else that requires access to the mount must use the same Ascom Synscan Mobile app

Unless someone else has a better idea or another working option. 🙂

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11 minutes ago, vlaiv said:

Well spotted - I did not realize there was EQMod involved.

According to EQmod prerequisites page, it will work, but one needs to do a bit of tweaking:



Has anyone actual done this - and you can only connect to the mount via COM port if using EQMOD.

Plus it would mean no Synscan App (not that it matters).

And just using EQMOD Ascom driver for CDC and anything else to drive the AZGTI

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This shows how to do the Synscan App/Ascom Synscan App Mobile using EQ Mode on GTI - BUT note no EQMOD. To add CDC to this you would just ask CDC to use the same Ascom Synscan Mobile driver as used in the You Tube Video. Then you could Guide,CDC Goto etc in GTI EQ mode. Hope that helps Davy.

Unless you find some more info 🙂 LOL

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OK so I ask FLO

Would this work with SW AZGTI in EQ Mode (with rel firmware) AND allow the use of EQMOD to drive the AZ GTI via the normal COM port that EQMOD requires. Plus will that then allow EQMOD Ascom driver to be used for all other Apps, - CDC APT etc


Yes it will 🙂

Although we prefer the more reliable FTDI chip in our version:


Kindest regards,


So thanks Grant at FLO 🙂 - your a star

So it appears the answer is yes 🙂 to EQMOD .

Davy just dont forget the Custome Gear settings for EQMOD 🙂

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2 hours ago, vlaiv said:

😁,, excellent,, you've all caught up with me now, 😁,, the cable in grant's link,, from FLO,, is the one I bought,  the azgti Ascom driver was installed to use via cdc, Ascom, eq mod controlling  the mount,, CdC connects as heq5,, thit gives an overflow message on telescope connection,, both cdc and eqmod telescope direction buttons work,, the problem is no goto slew, 

The overflow is as you said stash to do with the gearing,, I do not believe its just a case of changing this value,, as it has been noted in other posts that after a while tracking errors occur,, I believe its handshake protocol not being correct,, 

Believing I am correct,, I decided to address the challenge another way,, trying the synscan app,, 

The azgti had to go to serial mode,, to try and get comms via the synscan,, otherwise I was back to stage one,, back to my phone hot spot linked to lattepanda and,, azgti control via a second device with WiFi,, as WiFi shuts off my hot spot. 

When the az gti is in serial mode,, it works the synscan perfectly,,  for now this is ideal,, as I can operate the full mount via remote desktop,, just not with CdC at present,, but this is day one and,, its a workable set up,, 

If someone has done this,, the way I've done it,, love to chat about it,, I done plenty of searches on the subject and,, got as far as you guys have got,, but I was convinced I'd get a working system and I have,, certainly no disappointment with me,, I have given folk the chance to take it further using a latteprnda,, 

Not to say I'm giving up 😁


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In cdc,, the mount is set as heq5/6,, when I click connect,, it brings up the  eq mod panel

Change ra and Dec rate from 1 to 4 and the North, South, East, wet buttons move the mount,,, but if I move the eq panel to other side of the desktop,, the cdc connect telescope panel shows mount connect button on red,,  and when I try the slew or try and do a goto is says mount not connected,, but eqmod  can still control mount. 

Eqmod and cdc not talking 

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1 hour ago, shirva said:

just not with CdC at present

Sorry I dont get this CDC is the simplest part - What Ascom driver do you choose when you have Synscan App connected to the GTI mount - This has to be Ascom Synscan Mobile with Ascom properties as per Synscan documentation. Something like and port 11882 but check SW doc

I use this loads and it never fails - and I am using my own USB adapter not some bought item and an old SWAZ GoTo

You are running everything on the Police Car - sorry Panada 🙂

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Plus you can try AZ mode - no way that should fail - as a test.

Plus of course your Linx should be able to do all the above (as mine did) - another test.

Did CDC testing with Synscan App pro over 2 yrs ago

And that was complicated as I used 2 PC'c and/or  a Smart Tele box - all worked with CDC and Synscan App

If you load and use Synscan App pro in Emulation mode does CDC work ?

Edited by stash_old
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 I retried Ascom driver in to the lattepanda,, still the same.. As the photos show,,

I connect telescope,, overflow warning appears. 

I connect scope,, eqmod window appears

I change ra and Dec motor speed to 4  eqmod control buttons move scope


I move eq mode window to right,, CdC connect telescope button still red,, 

Scope icon on menu red as well even though scope will move wlth eqmod buttons. 

 Right mouse skymap,, no sync cdc to scope option and will not slew or goto,, telescope not connected warning appears,,  egmod still can move scope. 

I've tried everything I can think of,, can set my heq5 up without any problem using this kit,, only difference is the mount cable and driver,, getting tired now 








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And you didn't have Synscan loaded did you that would screw things up no end !

Then give the Synscan App EQ mode a try with Ascom Synscan Mobile mode and CDC - nothing to loose.

What benefit do you think you will get by using EQMOD over Ascom Synscan App Mobile driver/Synscan App Pro - all software should still work - Byeos etc ?

Oh well going to watch another episode of DCI Banks - 5th this week - speak to you later.

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I've took the panda out the mix and it's on a decent Windows 10 and has exact same   failure as the panda. 

CdC is switching on eqmod,, but not switching on telescope in cdc,, missing command somewhere,,,, got to be,,.. 

Need to Wait and see if anyone else goes this route,, cloudy nights had a thread,  somebody had same prob,, no answers,, folk looked to be content using the synscan app,, and folk used the raspberry pi as well,, 

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No hassle to me using Ascom and synscan,, and everything works OK,, was a astronomy experiment 😁 one for developers to look at,, I'm happy with what I have working and does exactly what I want it to do,, worked out better than raspberry pi 4 set up. 


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