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Which H-Alpha filter


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I am in the market for an H-Alpha filter for my setup. Thinking about either the Astronmik 6nm or 12nm 31mm. 

I know there is a price difference and is it right that the 6nm is better for more light polluted areas as it doesn’t let as much light in?

Any advice would be great!

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I would strongly recommend the 6nm over the others. It will block more moonlight and other LP if you have it, give you smaller stars and higher contrasts. Personally I use a Baader 7, an Astrodon 5 and an Astrodon 3.  I don't find the Astrodons to need longer exposure. Rather the reverse if anything.


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Yeah I had a look at the Astrodons but holy crap that is way out of my price point. The Astronomik 6nm looks to be a good price. I am currently using 31mm filters.

If money was no object I would go all out and get 2" but I need to draw the line somewhere!

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