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Cats Eye


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Thought I would have a go at something different ..and reportedly tricky to process ..  NGC6543 ..Cats Eye Nebula ... 

I know I haven’t given the target enough time but thought I would process what I had so far and see where I need to concentrate, or even start again when the skies clear again ..

I shot The following on the RC10 with QSI 583 cameras .

24 x 300 OIII 3nm 

12 x 300 Ha 3nm 

12 x 600 OIII 3nm 

12 x 600 Ha 5 mm 

6 x 600 Red

6 x 600 Green 

6 x600 Blue 

the Ha & OII subs and were not that good 😔, I think due to the high humidity we have had down here in sunny Essex .. but hay ho !

I think better OIII subs would increase the detail . , but I think I will just start again with new subs in due course .. 

spent the whole day processing this , calibrating the subs in both APP and PixInsight .. then Processing in Pix and PS .. 





Edited by Brian28
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6 minutes ago, carastro said:

Wow you have done exceptionally well on this, and as you say it is difficult to process because of the bright core.


Thanks Carole , yes the core was a pain as is that lighter diagonal stripe in the bottom LH side .. where that’s from I have no idea. ..

Edited by Brian28
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25 minutes ago, andrew s said:

Excellent to my untutored eye. What is the thinking behind the two different Ha bandwidths? 

Regards Andrew 

The QSI 583 cameras are  5 position filter wheels .. , one is loaded with Chroma 3nm Ha ,OIII and SII filters , the other is loaded with Astrodon LRGB filters , and I brought a secondhand Astrodon Ha 5nm that I added in to fill  the wheel ..  there’s no  technical reasoning just financial 😉 

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Nicely done - I know just how difficult this is to process - there's a huge difference in brightness between the core and outer regions.

The second version looks very similar to me, on my screen. I'm almost tempted to suggest you've posted the same image twice!?

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4 hours ago, Shibby said:

Nicely done - I know just how difficult this is to process - there's a huge difference in brightness between the core and outer regions.

The second version looks very similar to me, on my screen. I'm almost tempted to suggest you've posted the same image twice!?

I removed the first image ..in the end .. 

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