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Hi all.  

Earlier this year I bought my first ever telescope.  I've been talking about it for years (if you ask my wife, 'for ever')  and finally pulled the trigger earlier this year.  After a few clear nights recently I've been trying to get to grips with my new 'toy', which turns out to be slightly more difficult than I had hoped/expected.  Ultimately I'd like to try my hand at astrophotography, but for now I'd be happy enough just to point it at the sky and no what I'm looking at!  

Anyway, 'hello' to everyone on there.  Please be patient with my dumb questions :)

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welcome to the forum, as Dave has asked, which scope do you have as I'm sure there are many here who'd be able to point you in the right direction.

I found it was best to get familiar with how it all operates in daylight, where you can see what's where and how the mount operates as you pan around the sky. Just don't point it at the sun ;) One of the most important first steps is to get the finder aligned with the scope which isn't that hard, just fiddly. Best is to find a distant target in daylight and home the scope onto it using the lower power eyepiece (20/25mm) and then switch to the higher power (10/15mm). Once happy then start to adjust the finder so that it is centred on the same target and nip the adjusters so it can't move. After that you should find that at night scanning for your chosen target with the finder should have it in the scope pretty well. Always start with the lower power and move up in mag, adjusting aim as needed. Hope that helps :) 

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Thanks for the replies.  I have a Skywatcher 80ED DS-Pro, mounted on a HEQ5 Pro.  I'll be posting shortly in the 'beginners' section to ask my question :)  I think I have the finder scope and reticule properly aligned.  Haven't dared to move onto the higher powered eyepiece yet - having enough trouble at low power!  I'm sure my difficulties will be something silly/obvious... 

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Hello and welcome to the community, hope you enjoy your time with us, the more you use your new gear

the easier it gets, practice in daylight, but don't point it anywhere near to the Sun, enjoy, see you around the forums.

Clear Sky's.

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