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Another Hunting Dog - NGC 4395


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This is another galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici. The image is based on 180s exposures:

 L 46 binned 1x1, R 25, G 20, B 24, all binned 2x2

The galaxy is fairly dim (10.6). There is a lot of noise, I have stretched it a lot and clearly the SNR is pretty low. The trouble is, its April and the Astronomical Night is now getting pretty short. I can image between round 10 pm and 4 am.



Wikipedia: NGC 4395 is a low surface brightness spiral galaxy with a halo that is about 8′ in diameter. It has several wide areas of greater brightness running northwest to southeast. The one furthest southeast is the brightest. Three of the patches have their own NGC numbers: 4401, 4400, and 4399 running east to west. The nucleus of NGC 4395 is active and the galaxy is classified as a Seyfert. It is notable for containing one of the smallest supermassive black hole with an accurately-determined mass. The central black hole has a mass of "only" 300,000 Sun masses, which would make it a so-called "intermediate-mass black hole".


Equipment: Celestron 9.25 XLT at F10,  Skywatcher EQ6 Pro GEM, ZWO 1600MM Pro, ZWO EFW with ZWO LRGB filters, QHY5IIC guide camera on Skywatcher 9 x 50 finderscope
Software: Ascom 6, Eqmod, Cartes du Ciel, AstroPhotography Tool, PHD2, Sharpcap
Processing: DSS to align and stack the subs, PS CS5 to combine and stretch RGB and stretch Luminance and then to create LRGB. Lightroom 6 to develop image further.

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