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M94 - The Croc's Eye Galaxy


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This is M94, the Croc’s Eye or Cat’s Eye Galaxy in the constellation of Canes Venatici, around 15 million light years away. It was an interesting one to process with it's bright central core but much fainter outer halo. Layer mask techniques were used to selectively process and expose this halo whilst retaining detail in the galaxy core and dust lanes. Quite a few faint fuzzies in the background too.

Image details: Luminance – 37 x 5 mins with Skywatcher MN190 / Atik 460ex 
RGB – 7 x 5 mins per channel with Skywatcher MN190 / Atik 460ex 
Total image time: 4h 50mins 
Guided with ZWO ASI 224 MC / phd2 
Data captured with Sequence Generator Pro 
Stacked with DSS 
Aligned with Registar 
Processed with PS CS5


Edited by ShineOn
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17 hours ago, Hallingskies said:

That is excellent!  My old MakNewt was a pig to collimate, you clearly have no problems on that front. The core detail is razor sharp.

Thanks everyone. I have to set up / tear down after each dry/clear spell and always need to collimate at the outset.  But using a hotech laser collimator is a pretty quick and straightforward process.

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