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CEM60EC just stops tracking when telecope east


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So, I was doing an imaging run with NINA last night, hoping to let it run until the early hours. Meridian for my target was about 11:45, and since I had to hang around until just after midnight to snaffle a rare delivery slot for groceries three weeks in the future, I watched to see what happened.

NINA went  into its meridian flip routine swinging the scope from pier west to pier east, but stalled when it tried to platesolve and precision point. It said the mount was not tracking. I have never seen this before, and assumed that it was a conflict between NINA and the iOptron Commander software that actually runs the scope.

So I send the mount back to its zero position and try to restart the sequence. Still not tracking (I can see the star trails on the guider scope images).

Tried various things. Turning off all software and restarting it, powering down the mount and restarting, rebooting the computer - nothing. Try APT and Voyager (I am software promiscuous!), no joy. If I click the box on iOC to switch on tracking, the mount waits about 5 sec, the handset beeps and the checkbox tick vanishes.

Get rid of everything except iOptron Commander and it is still there. Slew to a target in the east, tracking stays on. Slew to the west, tracking refuses to stay enabled. No dragging cables, clutches set the same as previously, mount balanced (at least as well as previously), PA good (as measured by guide trace from before the meridian).

I am just off to the the obsy to reinstall iOC and try a few other things, but if anyone has seen this before or knows what it could be, let me know.


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have you looked at the Ascom settings for the scope? it may have switched to simulator, had had a problem with connection through my commander & it was due to the ascom set simulator the setting is in the Ascom diagnostics reset the scope to ioptron ascom scope, do the same in the other ascom program  then the commander will start. 

sorry if this dosen't solve just trying to give you a starting point.

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Thanks @bruno. Yes I checked that, and by stripping back down to the makers control software, I convinced myself that none of the other software was implicated. However, I have just spent a frustrating couple of hours in which I have totally failed to reproduce the problem. AAArgh!

I will have to wait until tonight to see if there is a problem when I am actually imaging. Curses!

And I mixed up my east and west in the original post. Sob!

I'll come back if the problem re-surfaces, but if not I will quietly let it die.

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