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Comet C/2019 Y1 brightening

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I had a look last night "on the way past" using my 180 Mak. I was surprised at how bright it was cpd with Y4 (barely visible) and Panstarrs (compact and bright). With long focal length EPs (40mm and 56mm) to increase the exit pupil (and brighten the background), there was a hint of a tail pointing nearly due N. Good to have three comets up in the same part of the sky! Just a pity that north is my worst direction from the point of view of LP.


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1 hour ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

Neil I have the 12" Dob out at the moment but its difficult to view low down objects looking North. For this reason I have set up my Heritage 130P in the hope of picking up C/2019 Y1 (Atlas). Wish me luck.

Best of luck, Mark. My daughter and I had a look at it with the 10” dob tonight. The good news is that Y1 is rising so should become better placed for you to see. 

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10 hours ago, Littleguy80 said:

Best of luck, Mark. My daughter and I had a look at it with the 10” dob tonight. The good news is that Y1 is rising so should become better placed for you to see. 

Thanks Neil. Yes the Heritage 130P produced the goods using my TeleVue 8-24mm zoom. However, the location was slightly different to that shown on Stellarium although not by much.

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1 hour ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

Thanks Neil. Yes the Heritage 130P produced the goods using my TeleVue 8-24mm zoom. However, the location was slightly different to that shown on Stellarium although not by much.

Congratulations, Mark. Pleased you saw it! I first saw it on the 22nd March when it was in Andromeda. It’s moved a long way in a relatively short period of time. 

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Observed this tonight courtesy of Sky Safari controlling my mount. Just a fuzzy blob in the Tak and a bit fainter than Panstarrs T2 but I carefully checked against the surrounding stars and confirmed it. Always good to bag another comet and it's now  added to the list to monitor. Will it get brighter or go the way of the other current ATLAS I wonder?

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Spotted the comet this morning with the 8" f/4 traveldob with 44x mag under 5.2 NELM skies. Easy to see; bright, about 7.5 - 8.0 mag, DC= 5, no tail visible; a quite promising view - way better than comet Y4. Should be visible in binoculars (didn't try).



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