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Solar 16th April 2020


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Sorry for the delay in posting, was just too knackered yesterday to do processing justice...

Was out making the most of another clear night and grabbing colour data for M106. By 2am the sky was really clearing up, but Julie had decided that our "one walk a day" should be to hear the dawn chorus - so after less than three hours sleep, we were heading back outside just after 5am to be treated to a beautiful sight of moon and oncoming sunrise...


Bird recording >Bird song.mp3


We continued our walk along the footpath, beside the 'hedgerows' to get a better vantage point for sunrise...



Whilst awaiting sunrise I had time to check GONG to see what was happening... more specifically the 'hedgerow prom' from the previous day...



A Blue Tit announcing 'sunrise!'.... Blue Tit.mp3


My intention had been to head home for porridge and bed, but decided that I really did need to have another go at some solar imaging beforehand... J was not overly amused 'burning the candle at both ends', etc!


On the walk back home, the frost descended...



All photos just with an old iPhone6


back home, set the gear up and whilst the Quark was warming, so was the porridge!


Although I'm fairly new to solar imaging, I can see why solar imagers get up nice and early to grab the best seeing. I could see the difference coming into OACapture from my old DMK41 camera just how 'relatively still' the recording was (a QuickTime screen recording below).


Refreshed today, here is my first go at processing.

Captured at 7.59am 45 seconds @ 15FPS (max) best 100 frames taken from 676. TSA102s / Quark Chromo / 0.5x Reducer

Processed with a 'bag' flat and dark frame in AS!2 and ImPPG via Wine on a MacBook Pro. Finished in PsCC2017




Updated Gong image from time of recording. Definitely want to get better and perhaps source a better camera - I have a thread in Equipment if any Solar folks would care to offer advice...




New Recording 5.m4a New Recording 7.m4a Blue Tit.mp3

Edited by TakMan
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