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Cloudy weather photo browsing


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Coming up on 2 months of cloud, getting a little cabin-crazy. I was browsing some photos from last summer and thought I'd share this one of my imaging setup (and sunlit garden):


On the right, Stellarvue SV80S, with SXV-H9 camera and Trutek filter wheel. On left, guide scope Televue Pronto, with SXV guider. All on a Losmandy G11 + Gemini + OVision.

Skies should be clear here in a few days, for a couple of months. Unfortunately, it will be minus 20 degrees during that time. Waiting for spring......

- Richard

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Looks very nice :) And expensive?

Lets hope you get some clear skies soon. Although not sure what's worse. Clouded out or teased with clear skies blue skies by day and freezing mist, lousy sky by night. And a grand total of 6 stars. :p


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