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M63 - The Sunflower Galaxy


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One of the benefits of doing my recent ‘Messier Marathon’ was that it highlighted objects I’d not imaged before.  Once such is M63, the Sunflower Galaxy which I captured on Saturday evening.  It’s some 27 million light years distant in the constellation of Canes Venatici.  It’s known as a ‘flocculent’ galaxy as it’s arms appear patchy and discontinuous, thus somewhat resembling a sunflower. Possibly.

Image details:
Luminance – 56 x 5 mins using MN190 / Atik 460ex
Total image time: 4h 40mins
Guided with ZWO ASI 224 MC / phd2
Data captured with Sequence Generator Pro
Stacked with DSS
Processed with PS CS5 / Topaz Denoise


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3 hours ago, lux eterna said:

Nicely processed, and still lots of details in the outskirts of the galaxy. Could be even better with colour...

I have done it myself but did not reach as far out as you have done.


Thank you Ragnar.  Yes, hoping to add some RGB this week

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