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StarTrail postprocessing before and/or after stacking

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Tomorrow I am going to do my first star trail experiment. I am going to use a GIMP plugin (https://github.com/themaninthesuitcase/gimp-startrail-compositor). Since it accept only not-RAW files, I have a doubt about what should I do to:

1) shoot in jpg then stacking then post processing

2) shoot in raw then post processing then staking and finally little adjustment with post processing again


I guess I would get better results with the second option but is it really necessary?

Would would you do?

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If you capture in JPEG and RAW then you could try the JPEG files to see how it goes.  If you don't like the results then you could probably convert the RAW files to TIFF and import those into GIMP.


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I wanted to avoid the overload of memory usage, my SD are not that big and I don't wish to wake up at 3am to change it. Is there a common practise for this? I have been googling around for it but i wasn't able to find anything

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