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Caught another Supernova! SN2020fqv in NGC4568


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I just realized that I had accidentally caught another supernova in a recent image. This time with the Esprit 150 (with ASI071, 75 x 5 min at gain 200). My image was taken 1 April, so only 1 day after its discovery on 31 March.

More details about it here:

Now I have to check more of my recent galaxy data.

20200401 NGC4568&CoRGB PS21smallSign.jpg

20200401 NGC4568&CoRGB PS21 SN2020fqv arrows.jpg

Edited by gorann
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1 minute ago, andrew s said:

Well done nice capture. Regards Andrew 

Thanks Andrew!

By the way this is what the galaxy looked like before the supernova (image from PanSTARRS/DR1), and what my image looks like without the pointers.

Skärmavbild 2020-04-11 kl. 13.16.52.png

20200401 NGC4568&CoRGB PS21Crop for supernovaRotated.jpg

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35 minutes ago, wimvb said:

Nice! I would never have spotted that. Btw, the link in your original post seems broken.

Glad påsk!

Tack Wim!

I changed it to another link that may be more stable. I found this great place to check your recent galaxy shots for supernovae. I now checked all of mine and there were only two😄:


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