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Static DSLR wide - Venus, M45, Moon

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I was out in the garden as you do, and watching the moon come up, Venus go down and the sky darken.

The local blackbird was screaming its head off which is great to listen to, and I thought 'I should have a camera out'.

So, the 70D with a70-200mm lens on the tripod came out and I took a few shots.

Very tricky to balance exposure time, iso and aperture with the ever decreasing light, and also had a flash on 2nd curtain sync to see if I could get some foreground detail.

These looked better in my head but thought I'd share to see if they cheered any one up!









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I did a couple more moon shots this evening, just as it poked its face over the fence. Lucky to see it at all with all the cloud about.

Noticeably pinkish too.









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