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Astro Clubs and Societies - Virtual meetings

Alan White

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Hi Folks

Up for air at last from all this Pandemic work; so many folks are doing so much to make the UK keep running.
Thank you to all Key Workers from myself and my family 👏.

Any way the point of the post is, how many Astro Societies and Astro Clubs are trying virtual meetings or online chat etc. 
Clearly it's workable and the way forward while we correctly remain locked down to slow things.
I appreciate this may not work for all.

If folks are doing this, please post up so we as a community can see we are still up and running all be it in another way.

Castle Point Astronomy Club CPAC.
For starters, my Astro Group is holding a virtual meeting online each week at normal club times.
Hosted via Microsoft Teams, 23 of us met on Wednesday evening to a talk on Nebulae.
Very successful it was too and let us all join in, which is essential for all our sanity.

Please let us know about your groups.

Take care, be safe Alan 

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North Essex Astronomical Society have a live stargazing event being streamed via Facebook. I saw a bit of the last one, and it was one of the members streaming from his own observatory with live stacking of nebula images. It's been made available on YouTube for posterity

Looks like they are also holding their monthly meeting online too


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