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Help wanted! My first telescope

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Hi all,

In a world of self isolation i'm in desperate need of a new hobby. As a professional seafarer, astronomy has always interested me and so I want to buy a telescope.

As a kid i did play around with the refractor telescope of a relative but i never really had my own and apart from knowing all there is about the stars used for navigational purposes and how to operate binoculars and sextants, my knowledge about telescopes goes as far as a few days of browsing can get you.


To start with some decisions i've already made myself:

-  Budget between £200 and £300. 
-  Telescope needs to be transportable and fit in my car boot. Lengthwise limited to approximately 1000mm.

-  I like the idea of getting something with an equatorial mount.

-  I do not like the Dobsonian mounts, at least not for now as it isn't as mobile as i'd like it to be.

-  So far i've been looking at telescopes with a focal ratio of around f/7 as i want an all-rounder to start off with.

-  I do not want a motorized mount as i want to get the hang of things myself first before i start cheating around with things like that.


Basically that has brought me to the world of reflector telescopes but so far that has resulted in quite a few occasions in which i thought i had found "the one" only to find out a few minutes later that i was dealing with a Bird-Jones concept or with motorized mounts.

As said i like the idea of an all round telescope to look at the moon, planets but also at some of the nearby nebulas and galaxies.

Could you please help me in this quest? I'm open to all suggestions even if it would mean going for a refractor instead.


Thank you all in advance!


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Hello and welcome to SGL. You have joined the best astro forum to help you find answers to your question.

Normally we would be saying things along the lines of go your local stro club and have a hold and look through a few scopes.

When you eventually buy a scope (don't rush) make ure it comes from an astro retailer. Not ebay, not a computer shop, not a department store, etc.
FLO (sponsors of this site) are an excellent source of a new scopes, and ongoing support.

For buying used. Avoid ebay. As you are having to buy without sight, or meeting the buyer, you need to as confidient as you can of the sellers honesty.
The for sale section on this site is as near to 100% trustworthy as you will find anywhere. You can look up the posting history of the seller.

A 6" or 8" mirror reflector wil give you very good views of galaxies, with the ability to carry in the car.
As an example a tube 1000mm focal length, or a bit longer, will happily ly on the back seat.

I would not dismiss a dob mount. Some are a bit cheap and rough. But others are really good.
An EQ mount takes a bit of learning, but it isn't a big problem.

My first 'proper' scope, bought a long time ago was an 8" newtonian on EQ5 mount. It gave a lot of enjoyment.

You should soon be inundated with offers of advice and thoughts.

Enjoy the experience,


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First of all welcome from Land Down Under

250mm collapsible Dob was my initial purchase, and still my weapon of choice

I also have a ED80 on a EQ5Pro Go To mount

My Solarmax11, also fits on the EQ5 mount

I am out a couple of times per month with my club, doing presentations in primary schools, scout groups

Both the Dob and mount sit on the backseat of my SUV

Also recommend get a right angle finderscope,  as saves having to lay on the ground, when sighting DSO's, planets overhead

I also put the mount on a small tarp, as the base been made from chipboard, stops the base from getting damaged from moisture in the ground

Have attached pic of  both my Dob and ED80

The Dob in the background, is a 200mm 

The Dob was taken at a recent club public viewing night, and the ED80 club solar day day



Skywatcher 10in Dob.jpg

Skywatcher ED80.jpg

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Hi and thank you for the quick responses!

i've been looking more closely into the Skywatcher Explorer range and am now thinking about either the 130mm or 150mm models. As far as i can see the 130 range on FLO is sold in combination with an EQ2 mount and the 150 with an EQ3. Diving into the forums, both of those mounts seem to be on the light side for the designated telescopes.

would it be an idea to go for an Explorer 130 OTA with an EQ3 mount? Or do you have any better suggestions? 
for now an 150mm with an EQ5 mount would be out of budget unfortunately.


see below some of the telescopes i've been looking at.

(The longer model because of the higher focal ratio)

(Higher focal ratio of f/6.9 i prefer over the f/5 of the 130p)

i'd love to hear your opinions/ suggestions!


kind regards,






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36 minutes ago, Sweaters said:

Hi and thank you for the quick responses!

i've been looking more closely into the Skywatcher Explorer range and am now thinking about either the 130mm or 150mm models. As far as i can see the 130 range on FLO is sold in combination with an EQ2 mount and the 150 with an EQ3. Diving into the forums, both of those mounts seem to be on the light side for the designated telescopes.

would it be an idea to go for an Explorer 130 OTA with an EQ3 mount? Or do you have any better suggestions? 
for now an 150mm with an EQ5 mount would be out of budget unfortunately.


see below some of the telescopes i've been looking at.

(The longer model because of the higher focal ratio)

(Higher focal ratio of f/6.9 i prefer over the f/5 of the 130p)

i'd love to hear your opinions/ suggestions!


kind regards,






Having looked through long tube Newts on low cost EQs, I can't imagine anyone wanting one.  The biggest issue is that the vibrations take quite a long time to settle down after touching them to move them or focus them.  Dob versions dampen those same vibrations very quickly in comparison.

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My first scope was the SW130P and it was fantastic. The mount isnt perfect but is fine for visual astronomy.

I am totally with on the desire for an equatorial mount, it's about getting the image of that celestial sphere into your head and being tuned in to the movement of it all.

The 130 is a good price and will show you all of the things you mentioned above.

I now use the 200p on a eq5. The mount is much better and on a clear night, deep sky objects are that much clearer but I still miss certain aspects of the 130p. It travels very well and sets up super easily.

Yes you could fit the 1 metre OTA of the 200p in your back seat but once you have the tripod, ring mounts, finder scope? Eyepieces etc, the car is getting pretty full!

Personally I would wholeheartedly recommend the 130p provided you are not looking to get into astrophotography. That scope really taught me how to find my way around the night sky!

Good luck,


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As a general rule, a package of scope & mount has the smallest flimsiest mount the manufacturer can reasonably get away with providing.
Going up a size on the mount is often a good idea.

If you are thinking ahead, you might buy the scope and mount separately on the used market so you can get a rigid mount.
Usually buying new, a scope and mount separately costs more than the package deal.

As a rough guide for future proofing, buy the biggest payload mount you can. Subject to the size of your wallet, and the circumstances of use.
If you have to carry it down flights of stairs, or over fields to a dark site, or you have a bad back, you get the idea.

An EQ5 mount, even with counterweights, is a fairly easy one person carry outside.
An EQ6 requires rather more effort.
Don't forget all these mounts look the same size on a web page.
My Alter D6 looks outwardly like an EQ5 mount but tips the scales at 35Kg - without the counterweights or tripod.

I used to regularly carry my 8" newt on the back seat of the car.
Just lay on the back seat and give it a seat belt to wear.
The tripod, mount, etc went in the boot.

Keep asking the questions,



Edited by Carbon Brush
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Hi all,


thanks for the replies!

i've decided to go with Mike's advice and have bought a SW 130p.

I think for starting off it's the best option and i've been reading a lot of good reviews on it.

Now the start off point is known, i can have a good look at upgrading the gear along the way. Obviously i'm forst going to enjoy my new toy when it comes in but i'm gonna keep my eyes open for a better mount and other good deals.

i'm very sure i'll become a regular on this forum so see you all around!





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