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Sky Safari Plus 6 not connecting on iPhone to AZ-GTI


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I am hoping someone else is possibly familiar or has solved a similar problem that I have come across today please.

Basically, I purchased a Sky Watcher AZ-GTI Goto mount and that arrived today.

I then downloaded onto my iPhone SynScan Pro, installed the App, it talks to the AZ & it works, brilliant.

Next, I downloaded Sky Safari Plus 6, again installed fine and works as an App on the iPhone, but try as I may I cannot get it to connect to the AZ.

Error Message:

Connection Failure

SkySafari 6 Plus can't make a wireless network connection to the scope.



SkyWatcher SynScan

Equatorial Goto (German)


Port 11880

I have also tried other Port and IP addresses along with mount types, did also have SynScan open, then closed etc.

Any comments, pointers or suggestions would be gratefully received.




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Hmmm, unless they have resolved this bug you have run up against the same problem a few of us have faced previously. Basically because iOS devices don’t run applications in the background, they can’t run Synscan and SkySafari simultaneously so it won’t connect! There are two resolutions, use two iOS devices, one running Synscan and the other SkySafari. Cumbersome but it works. Or get an Android device with both apps on and that will work. You can also buy a handset and a SkyFi unit and do it that way. Either way it was a bit of an issue with many of us buying these units expecting the to work as you did!

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Supernova thanks for replying.

However, after spending about 6 hours on this yesterday and this morning, finally got it all working like a dream(famous last words).


So an Update on using SkySafari with AZ-GTI on Apple devices IOS(Android seems to work fine).

Using two devices(IPhone + IPad) I got it to work, some info also provided from SkySafari support team(Port Number difference).

I also turned off my nearby wifi first that feeds my Mac, probably nothing to do with it, but just incase(Belt and Braces) pulling my hair out!


Turn on AZ-GTI Wifi (on/off button on mount).

IPhone, turn off auto lock screen(so IPhone does not sleep).

IPhone, connect to AZ-GTI Wifi in settings, then check and note IP address of IPhone.

Remember on some home networks this can change, so either make it static or check each time.

IPhone, run SynScan App and connect to Mount(check it moves etc).

IPad, connect to AZ-GTI Wifi in settings.

IPad, run SkySafari Plus 6 App. Then Open Settings:

Enter Scope Type(SkyWatcher SynScan)

Mount Type(Alt-Az Goto)

IP Address(from IPhone above) 

Port Number(11882).

Hit Done and Connect, works like a dream, only pain is using two devices and I have asked SkySafari current status of fix !!

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22 hours ago, KEJ said:

Supernova thanks for replying.

However, after spending about 6 hours on this yesterday and this morning, finally got it all working like a dream(famous last words).


So an Update on using SkySafari with AZ-GTI on Apple devices IOS(Android seems to work fine).

Using two devices(IPhone + IPad) I got it to work, some info also provided from SkySafari support team(Port Number difference).

I also turned off my nearby wifi first that feeds my Mac, probably nothing to do with it, but just incase(Belt and Braces) pulling my hair out!


Turn on AZ-GTI Wifi (on/off button on mount).

IPhone, turn off auto lock screen(so IPhone does not sleep).

IPhone, connect to AZ-GTI Wifi in settings, then check and note IP address of IPhone.

Remember on some home networks this can change, so either make it static or check each time.

IPhone, run SynScan App and connect to Mount(check it moves etc).

IPad, connect to AZ-GTI Wifi in settings.

IPad, run SkySafari Plus 6 App. Then Open Settings:

Enter Scope Type(SkyWatcher SynScan)

Mount Type(Alt-Az Goto)

IP Address(from IPhone above) 

Port Number(11882).

Hit Done and Connect, works like a dream, only pain is using two devices and I have asked SkySafari current status of fix !!


Good stuff. Yes, quite a few of us got it running using two devices and it works well despite the inconvenience.

They were due to work on this a long time ago but I suspect other priorities got in the way. I raised it on the SkySafari forum but haven’t had an update for a long time. The problem is that Sky-Watcher developed the Synscan app without any communication with SkySafari to check how best to make it work. The way iOS functions is a big part of the problem.


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Maybe we should all chase them on it, the more the better really.

I did email them back to ask, but initially they said no ETA, so this morning I re-emailed and asked, look how about a rough idea and not holding you to it.........are we talking 2-3 mths, 6 months or 2021.

See what they come back with.

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So initially,  I have found a setup/configuration that seems to work for me. This was after a school boy error of aligning it the same way as the Star Adventurer and then wondering why everything was almost 180 degrees out of alignment.

The DSLR camera and guide camera pointing towards Polaris, so that I can use Sharpcap for alignment when I get my M12 bar and counter weight to balance it properly.

I also added for a test or possibly an alternative,  a mobile phone holder so that I can use the "PS Align Pro " app, it  seem pretty good after a quick test, there are probably hundreds of other programs out there you can use( I do like the daytime polar alignment program that it has when tested outside).




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E-bay search for a threaded M12 bar, 300mm in length for the counter balance weight, that just arrived(£2.59 inc p&p) and the good news is that the original weight from my Star Adventurer fits it (Fig1).

In addition (another E-bay search and purchase) I replaced the small bolt M8(2 pack £1.14 inc p&p) to connect the wedge to the AZ-GTI so that the base can turn without catching the original larger plastic knob(Fig2).

From Kayfast1 on E-bay.












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The SkySafari developers are asking for help to beta test the SkySafari 6 Pro AzGTI link and I guess you can sign up on their forums for this. There does seem to be a small number of peoplemaking an awful lot of noise about this.



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13 minutes ago, obrazell said:

The SkySafari developers are asking for help to beta test the SkySafari 6 Pro AzGTI link and I guess you can sign up on their forums for this. There does seem to be a small number of peoplemaking an awful lot of noise about this.



You say that as if it were unjustified?

The AZGTi was promoted as working with Skysafari on iOS, and I for one viewed this as a key selling point. The fact it needs two devices changed its use ability quite dramatically in a negative sense.

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22 minutes ago, Stu said:

You say that as if it were unjustified?

The AZGTi was promoted as working with Skysafari on iOS, and I for one viewed this as a key selling point. The fact it needs two devices changed its use ability quite dramatically in a negative sense.

This was the same for me, having to use two iOS devices or have the hassle of needing to connect a Handset and SkyFi to get it to work with an iPhone was a huge negative for me too.

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Even on an Android device it was flaky at best. I tried my AZEQ6 with the wifi dongle for visual in AZ mode. Pretty much the same setup as the GTi. Connect to the Synscan app and then SkySafari. It maybe connected 50% of the time to SS and other times I got a message saying SS can see the mount but cant connect to it. Perhaps the answer is for SkySafari to develop it's own way for a direct connection to Synscan wifi.

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One problem was that the chaps at SkySafari had no idea about or involvement in the development that Skywatcher were doing so were caught out by the problems. Not their fault at all.

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4 hours ago, Stu said:



2 hours ago, Stu said:

One problem was that the chaps at SkySafari had no idea about or involvement in the development that Skywatcher were doing so were caught out by the problems. Not their fault at all.

Similar sort of issue with the iOptron AZPro.

I understand that the new iOptron firmware stopped the mount from working with SS6, though it continued to work with SS5.

Again, I suspect (though don't know for sure) that the SS team were probably not consulted with regards to the firmware changes.

Edited by AdeKing
Correcting errant autocorrect.
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I thought this was a very useful post on Cloudy Nights by David Parks back in 2017 for Skywatcher Synscan/AZ-GTi Alignment Instructions.




 information is not official nor authoritarian, it is simply my conclusions from thoughtful testing and careful observation.  All described behaviors are based upon insight and conclusion, not upon actual knowledge of the Synscan code.  In other words, my best guess 


Synscan Pro for iOS, ver 1.16.1 seems to have an incomplete Reset Alignment bug whereby the current sky model is not removed from memory.  I have reported this bug to Skywatcher.  Hopefully they will investigate and resolve.


Synscan Pro for Windows PC, ver 1.16.0 is correctly removing the sky model from memory when you Reset Alignment.


Power on Mount
Axis will be reset to the default position.


Synscan Connect
AZ Mode:  The Axis default position will be (0, 0)
EQ Mode:  The Axis default position will be (-90, 90)
Az/Alt will be set to the Axis plus offset of the current sky model.  The offset will be (0, 0) if no sky model exists resulting in an Az/Alt of (0,0) for AZ Mode, or (0, Your Latitude) for EQ Mode.

For Synscan Pro for iOS ver 1.16.1
Synscan will remember the previous sky model and offsets, unless you do the following, in order:
    1. Reset Alignment
    2. Remove Synscan from device memory
If a sky model is present, stars will be listed in Align with Sync

Reset Alignment will sync Az/Alt to Axis in AZ Mode, and Az/Alt to Axis plus Your Latitude in EQ Mode.

Reset Alignment ALONE, DOES NOT remove the sky model, you must also close Synscan, remove it from device memory, and re-launch. (No need to power off/on the mount, or disconnect wireless)(This is an APP ONLY operation to remove the sky model from memory).  Close and re-open is not enough, you must remove the app from background memory.


Best Practice:
Always remove the Synscan APP from device memory after Reset Alignment, and then re-open and re-Connect the APP to the mount.


Synscan Pro for Windows PC ver 1.16.0 will still retain a sky model if exited and re-launched, as it should. It also correctly removes the sky model when you Reset Alignment.


Any type of Alignment will add to an existing sky model, or create one if one does not already exist.
Confirming center of any object will add error correction offsets to the current sky model.  These offsets will correct for slight in-accuracies in geographical location/time and mount leveling.  They won’t compensate for any variations in the gravitational constant in your backyard.    The point here is, that the sky model/error offsets can get wonky if your adding new data to an old existing sky model.


1-Star Alignment
The mount will slew to the selected star coordinates from current Synscan Az/Alt.  The accuracy is entirely dependent upon the current Synscan Az/Alt being real-world-correct and the accuracy of the mounts level.
Confirming center will sync the Az/Alt to the star coordinates, add the star to Align with Sync, and create the sky model.  The accuracy of the sky model will be based on just the offsets created by the centering action of one star.



Brightest Star Alignment
Manually center the 1st star. The mount will NOT MOVE to the 1st star, you are expected to slew or move the mount to the 1st star yourself.  This requires you to be able to look up and identify the 1st star yourself.
Confirming center will sync the Az/Alt to the 1st star coordinates.
The mount will then slew to the 2nd star coordinates from the current Az/Alt.  Accuracy will be dependent upon the mounts level and how accurate you centered the 1st star.
Confirming center will sync Az/Alt to the 2nd star coordinates, add the stars to Align with Sync, and create the sky model.  The accuracy of the sky model will be based on the offsets created by the centering action of the two stars, and the error calculated between the 2 stars (linear).  The offsetscompensate for level inaccuracies, and will be applied to subsequent Gotos.


North-Level Alignment (AZ Mode Only)
This alignment is similar to a Brightest Star Alignment, except you don’t need to be able to identify stars, you just need to know which way is North.
Set the scope/mount pointing north and level.  Bubble level and smart phone compass, and even best eyeball guess is accurate enough in most cases.
Confirming north and level will sync Az/Alt to 0, 0.
The mount will then slew to the 1st star coordinates from the current Az/Alt.  Accuracy will be dependent upon the accuracy of the north and level placement.
Confirming center will sync Az/Alt to the 1st star coordinates.
The mount will then slew to the 2nd star coordinates from the current Az/Alt.  Accuracy will be dependent upon the mounts level and how accurate you centered the 1st star.
Confirming center will sync Az/Alt to the 2nd star coordinates, add the stars to Align with Sync, and create the sky model.  The accuracy of the sky model will be based on the offsets created by the centering action of the two stars, and the error calculated between the 2 stars (linear).  The offsetscompensate for level inaccuracies, and will be applied to subsequent Gotos.


2-Star Alignment (EQ Mode Only)
The mount will slew to the 1st star coordinates from the current Synscan Az/Alt.  The accuracy is entirely dependent upon the current Synscan Az/Alt being real-world-correct and the accuracy of the mounts level.
Confirming center will sync Az/Alt to the 1st star coordinates.
The mount will then slew to the 2nd star coordinates from the current Az/Alt.  Accuracy will be dependent upon the mounts level and how accurate you centered the 1st star
Confirming center will sync Az/Alt to the 2nd star coordinates, add the stars to Align with Sync, and create the sky model.  The accuracy of the sky model will be based on the offsets created by the centering action of the two stars, and the error calculated between the 2 stars (linear).  The offsetscompensate for level inaccuracies, and will be applied to subsequent Gotos.


3-Star Alignment
This is the most accurate alignment because error offsets can be triangulated instead of calculated linearly.
The mount will slew to the 1st star coordinates from the current Synscan Az/Alt.  The accuracy is entirely dependent upon the current Synscan Az/Alt being real-world-correct and the accuracy of the mounts level.
Confirming center will sync Az/Alt to the 1st star coordinates.
The mount will then slew to the 2nd star coordinates from the current Az/Alt.  Accuracy will be dependent upon the mounts level and how accurate you centered the 1st star
Confirming center will sync Az/Alt to the 2nd star coordinates.
The mount will then slew to the 3rd star coordinates from the current Az/Alt.  Accuracy will be dependent upon the mounts level and how accurate you centered the 2nd star.
Confirming center will sync Az/Alt to the 3rd star coordinates, add the stars to Align with Sync, and create the sky model.  The accuracy of the sky model will be based on the offsets created by the centering action of the three stars, and the error calculated between the 3 stars (triangular).  The offsetscompensate for level inaccuracies and will be applied to subsequent Gotos.


Polar Alignment (EQ Mode Only)
Polar alignment in Synscan requires that you first perform a Bright, 2, or 3 star alignment.  I recommend 3 star for greatest accuracy.
The mount will slew to the chosen star for Polar Alignment.
Confirming center will sync Az/Alt and use the offsets plus current sky model to calculate latitude and altitude base adjustments.  Synscan will move the mount accordingly and ask you to center the star using the base latitude adjustment.  Center the star as close as you can using just the one base adjustment.  Synscan will move again and ask you to center the star using the base altitude adjustment.  Center the star as close as you can using just the one base adjustment.
Since you have “pulled the rug out from under” the current sky model by adjusting the base, you will need to Reset Alignment, and perform a new Star Alignment.


Synscan Pro for iOS ver 1.16.1 will require that you remove Synscan from memory after Reset Alignment, re-launch Synscan, re-connect in EQ Mode, and perform the Star Alignment of your choice. 


The accuracy of the Polar Alignment will generally be good enough for visual, un-guided short exposure imaging, and long exposure guiding.  You can perform another iteration of PA/SA to achieve greater accuracy.


In EQ Mode, tracking is easily accomplished by setting the RA(Azimuth) gear rate of rotation to sidereal.  This rate is constant.  Accuracy is primarily dependent upon the precision of gear and motor manufacturing.
In AZ Mode, the mount will use the current date/time/location and the object coordinates to calculate the proper gear rate of rotation for both axis.  These rates are variable depending on the position in the sky of the object.  Eastern objects move up faster than they move right, Southern objects move right faster than they move up or down, Western objects move down faster than they move right.  Northern objects don’t go to market, stay home, or go wee wee wee.  If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere than Northern objects do, in fact, go wee wee wee.



Point-and-Track (AZ Mode Only) 
Tracking does not require an alignment or a sky model.  Select the object from the appropriate list and choose Point-and-Track.
(For EQ Mode, just point the scope at the object and select the appropriate tracking rate from the tracking menu in the upper right corner of Synscan)



Synscan will use your mobile device’s accelerometer to slew the mount to the general area of the sky your device is pointing at.  You can then further refine the position by selecting an object from a nearby object list.  Point your device and press Point-and-Go from the Utility Menu.  You do not need to continue pointing while the mount slews.


Although I hope you find this information clear, concise, and useful, I hope even more that we all experience more Clear Skies!


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There is another iOS planetarium app that does control an AZ-GTI so there IS a solution it just needs to be found and implemented. Owen, it is great to hear we might be close to a solution, it will make a lot of people very happy.



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8 hours ago, Stu said:

One problem was that the chaps at SkySafari had no idea about or involvement in the development that Skywatcher were doing so were caught out by the problems. Not their fault at all.

Not true IMHO - its Apple's fault -  it was Apples decision/design to run "apps" this way - a stupid one at that IMO !

 Remember if it wasn't for a certain Iphone Dev Team (nothing to do with Apple)  who "jailbreaked" the Apple's OS back in the dark past you would be totally limited by Apple's IOS Developer license. Apple changed due o this but not far enough!

SS and Skywatcher's programs work when they are able (and allowed) to run concurrently on a O/S - pretty standard stuff.

Ok SW were wrong - they should have said SS/SW wouldn't work on Apple OS  - I doubt they didn't test SS with Apple kit.

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Can I pick your brains please as most of you seem far more experienced than I am on all of this.

Based on my setup above:

For my Mount Type I have selected (Alt-Az Goto) and I am saying that seems to work.  Although, I am thinking as I type, actually I am using a wedge so strictly speaking should I be selecting a Equatorial mount type, I am guessing ?

And thinking about it, I seem to remember watching some Youtube videos and one guy(I think) stating that you should use (Equatorial Goto (German)) ?

So part of me is thinking actually, I should probably be using the German option, else  am I being fooled into thinking its pointing at an object I cannot see with the naked eye and assuming all is well!

I hope my question makes sense that really I should be selecting a EQ option?

Comments/suggestions appreciated thank you.


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Popped out last night with the "Equatorial Goto(German)" settings.

Polar aligned, then one star alignment and managed to get a poor Comet Atlas C/2019 Y4 using my Nikon DSLR(unmodified) and  300mm lens F4.5-5.6, cropped in and stacked.Atlas03Bv05CometOnly.jpg.f24066e5be408ed320c0a1464cb59dae.jpg

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Another add-on from David Parks



Two parts



As a precursor, create a User Object > Terrestrial Objects and specify Axis 1 = -90 / Axis 2 = 90. Name it EQ Home. You can Goto this position any time you need to return the scope to EQ Home, and more importantly, any time you need to get your mount to agree with the real world.  If your scope doesn’t actually match after this Goto, then you can loosen clutches and move your mount/scope into EQ Home.  This ensures your mount’s Axis actually matches the real world scope position.  Once it does, don’t loosen your clutches for anything (unless you have turned Auxiliary Encoders on)


1. First perform a 2 or 3 star alignment
Before your first alignment:
   1a.  With the GTi power off, loosen clutches and set your scope in the EQ Home position
   1b.  Turning on the power, the GTi  Axis will be reset to (-90, 90), and now matches the actual position
   1c.  Open Synscan, connect in EQ Mode, and check under Utility > Information to confirm that your Axis reads (-90, 90), and the Az/Alt reads (-90, 90).  If it doesn’t, there is likely a previous alignment still in memory.  Reset Alignment and check Utility > Information again.  (Current version 1.16.1 on iOS will require you to close and remove Synscan from memory)
  1d.  Proceed with a 2 or 3 star alignment


2. Then polar align with 1 star by adjusting the EQ base controls

   You got it, just follow the Synscan prompts, pretty straight forward


3. Select Reset Alignment in the synscan app

4. Adjust mount again (loosen clutches) and return the mount to home position

   Switch these two steps, and don’t loosen clutches

    3. Select and Goto your EQ Home User Objects > Terrestrial Objects. (This keeps your scope and Axis in sync)

    4. Reset Alignment (and close and remove Synscan from memory if you are using iOS 1.16.1)


5. Perform a 2 or 3 star alignment again



Note:  Steps 1a and 1b above is the same as a GoTo your EQ Home User Object, and then loosening clutches to move your scope into the matching EQ Home position.



Hope this helps! waytogo.gif


EDIT:  Oops, the saved EQ Home User Object should be Axis 1 = -90, Axis 2 = 90

AZ Mode North Level is Axis 1 = 0, Axis 2 = 0


Edited by davidparks, 22 April 2019 - 07:37 AM.

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Part 02


Posted 21 April 2019 - 11:35 PM

Getting your AZ-GTi right with the world:
Key to successful alignments and GoTo’s are having the following 3 elements in sync:
  1. Digital Axis - This is your mount, where the GTi thinks it is pointing

  2. Physical Axis - This is your scope, where it is pointing in the real world
  3. Synscan Az/Alt - This is the sky model that Synscan uses to translate celestial coordinates into digital Axis positions.


You can view your Digital Axis and Az/Alt in Synscan using the Utility > Information screen.

You can confirm a sky model is present if there are stars listed under Alignment > Align with Sync


Getting 1, 2, and 3 on the same page:

  1.  Power on your mount, this should set your Axis to (AZ Mode 0, 0)(EQ Mode -90, 90), or

  1.  Create and Goto a User Object > Terrestrial Object for AZ Mode with Axis1 = 0, Axis2 = 0  (AZ Mode North Level)

  1.  Create and Goto a User Object > Terrestrial Object for EQ Mode with Axis1 = -90, Axis2 = 90  (EQ Mode Home)

  2.  Loosen clutches, move your scope into Home position

     Home position for AZ Mode is scope pointing at the due north horizon

     Home position for EQ Mode is shown in my user account avatar picture, pointing at the celestial pole

  3.  Select Reset Alignment in Synscan from the Alignment screen.

     In AZ Mode, Az/Alt will read (0, 0)

     In EQ Mode, Az/Alt will read (-90, 90)

     If Reset Alignment isn’t available, then there is no current sky model and Az/Alt is already in Sync


You will also need to close Synscan and remove it from device memory if you are using Synscan Pro for iOS version 1.16.1.  Hopefully this reported bug will be fixed in the next version.  This bug doesn’t effect Synscan for Windows PC.  I don’t know for Android.


After any alignment routine, you will notice that Az/Alt no longer matches Axis.  This is the result (and function) of Confirming Center when centering alignment stars.  The discrepancy between Az/Alt and Axis compensates for physical placement errors (north, level, polar, etc.)


If you are experiencing wonky Goto behavior, make sure you have your 1, 2, 3’s in order waytogo.gif


Edited by davidparks, 22 April 2019 - 07:39 AM.




Addition :

North-Level Alignment is only available in AZ Mode.

Yes it is worth roughly centering Polaris when using EQ Mode.  If Polaris is not visible, set your scope as best you can pointing north, and elevated to 90-Your Latitude.


Reset Alignment, 2-Star Alignment, Polar Alignment, Reset Alignment, 2-Star Alignment


This should leave your mount accuracy polar aligned, and star aligned for GoTo operation

You should be able to do many minute exposures without star trails.  How many will depend greatly on your focal length.


Be sure to practice, getting as much experience as you can before you trip, have fun!


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The other very useful info I was unaware of, quote from above:

I have it in equatorial mode with the wedge,i set it facing north at 90 minus my latitude

In my case approx 90 - 50 = 40 !

I had initially had my set to 50 degrees!!!!!

You live and learn.

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  • 5 weeks later...

So my first decent attempt at DSO (thanks Stuart and ok no where near the standards of people on here, but I'm pleased) M81 & M82 from the City, no filters or modified camera, I was using a full frame, next time I will use my DX(cropped camera).

The battery died on my wireless intervalometer as it was a bit chilly after about 50mins else I would have gone for more exposures.

SharpCap polar aligned (only with fair), one star alignment with SynScan  and then I used an older version of SkySafari (not beta version) to find these.

Using a Nikon D800, AZ-GTI, WO Z61 & WO 61A Flattener (set at 12.9mm, still not 100% sure that is correct).

360mm FL, approx 20/25 x 2min exposures, had to crop in (hence next time using the DX) and these were towards the bottom of the frame.




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Thank you, I know most of the guys on here have super high quality images, but I am pleased.

Plus, I know I didn't have my polar alignment 100%, could have maybe gone out on the moors for a darker site, coupled with more exposures and longer focal length and it was even slightly breezy.

But thank you.


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** Update **


William Optics (Tim - Taiwan) replied to an email of mine.

He basically confirmed for a Nikon DSLR and my setup, using the 61A Flattener etc the gap should be set to 12.9mm


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  • 9 months later...
On 01/04/2020 at 20:41, Stu said:

Hmmm, unless they have resolved this bug you have run up against the same problem a few of us have faced previously. Basically because iOS devices don’t run applications in the background, they can’t run Synscan and SkySafari simultaneously so it won’t connect! There are two resolutions, use two iOS devices, one running Synscan and the other SkySafari. Cumbersome but it works. Or get an Android device with both apps on and that will work. You can also buy a handset and a SkyFi unit and do it that way. Either way it was a bit of an issue with many of us buying these units expecting the to work as you did!

Is this still the case with latest iOS 14. It’s meant to run apps in the background but the synscan pro app does not show in ‘settings-general-background app refresh’ list?

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