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Moving from astromod DSLR to mono camera


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Hey all,

Hope everyone and their families are well. 

I am now considering going mono from my current astromod Canon 600D and would appreciate any advise and guidance. My imaging telescope is the Altair Wave 80 ED APO (with 480mm FL). I came across the sale of a set of ZWO 7nm narrowband filters (36mm) with the matching ZWO EFW for a reasonable price. Before I commit to buying that, I also wanted to check which camera to get at the same time or whether worth waiting.

The 3 cameras are all around the same price used from different locations (ABS, Facebook etc). They are the Altair Hypercam 1600m, Atik Horizon and Atik 383L+. All have similar FoV with my telescope (slightly smaller than my Canon 600D) and I believe all have similar back focus, which should work with the 36mm filters. Any advise with those cameras? The 383L+ is a CCD vs the other two CMOS. If age matters, the Altair is the newest and I am not sure how old the other two are yet.

The other alternative is to wait for the ZWO 1600mm Pro to be on sale (or used) and get that then. Would mean the smaller filters would be cheaper too in the long run.

For reference, I am imaging from Bortle 8 skies. 

Thanks in advance for any advise :) 

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I thought a lot about it...

I woud stay between 2 options: Horizon vs Hypercam, - as 383L will be quite old and not so reliable...

Both with 36mm Filters due to backfocus...

On another hand, you can wait for ASI1600 + 31mm filters...

I do not think you will lose in quality with any of them as they use the same panasonic sensor, - just the different amount of £££ can be used for joy as the different sizes of filters are needed....


Edited by RolandKol
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