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So for starters you wont want to be using your phone for any serious photography and you would find little use with a 5x barlow too. For serious AP you will wamt either a DSLR or CMOS camera with a fast scope and a very decent mount to match. I would suggest you start with a decent visual svope such as a 6" dobsonian reflector which will cost significantly less than even a mount capable of AP and you could always have a go at some prime focus with your phone through the eye piece. In terms of eye pieces, start with the kit ones and the  have a read up on thia forum to better understand magnification and the limits of both your chosen scope and the current seeing, more magnification is not always better. It may also be a good idea to have a read of the article on here entitled what can I expect to see? as most images you likely have viewed are hours of data that are highly processed not what people see through the eye piece. Hope this all helps.


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What is it you are trying to achieve specifically pal? Is it moon and planets you are interested in or more deep sky stuff like nebula's?

There's quite a few different routes you can go down but if you are looking for advice it would be easier if you told us your intentions. And what sort of budget do you have available?

@paul2019 is sort of right in some respects but nonetheless you can still achieve pleasing results with whatever you happen to have available provided your expectations are realistic.

The purchase of a barlow is very much dependent on other factors - mainly what sort of scope you go for, however a 5x is very niche and possibly not something you would need to think about buying straight away.


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Okay thank you so much for enlighten me,  i forgot to put that like the deep sky stuff, i want to learn about it. Hehe, im thinking about the budget range as of now. Is celeston 5se is a good choice? 

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You won't be able to do deep sky astrophotography with a 5se , planetary a little bit . For astrophotography you will need a goto Equatorial mount like the heq5 and a scope such as a 130pds , 80ed etc . And a dslr 

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I know virtually nothing about AP but I do know this; if you start spending money on equipment now you will make mistakes, it will cost you, and you will regret it. Instead, spend your money on an introductory book on the subject. 

Edited by Cleetus
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Some things to keep in mind... AP is different than visual. For visual aperture is king. For AP it is the mount. AP is a very complex part of the hobby and can be very expensive. There are also a lot of moving parts that need to be accounted for so simple is better. Thus in general for someone starting out a short focal length good quality refractor is the best option. A high f/stop SCT on an alt/az mount is not a good choice. I would suggest a 80mm refractor like the William Optics Zenithstar 81 APO on a Celestron Advanced VX mount is a good place to start. I used an Advanced VX to start with. With a 80-102mm refractor is worked well for its price point. You can expect up to 90 seconds unguided with the mount. Realistically 30-60 seconds. I would wait to guide until after mastering the basics. Trying to do too much too fast is a recipe for disaster. And so on. A DSLR is a good camera to start with. Something like a Canon or Nikon. They are relatively inexpensive all things considered. And the mount plus camera plus image acquisition can be done using a very affordable software called Backyard EOS or Backyard Nikon. 


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Hi everyone, Thank you everyone for helping me, i learn a lot of things from you guys, and convincing me that i must use dslr (which is right) for quality pictures that i will produce in the future (i hope so hehe)


I search about William Optics Zenithstar 81 APO and i found out its so nice, and i like it.  I will definitely pair it Celestron Advanced VX mount but for now I'am reading the book welcome to the universe by neil tyson to gain more knowledge about the universe


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