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Hi All,


Sorry if this has been asked a million times but I am trying to start using pixinsight more for my processing.

I have combined my RGB and used ABE on both L and RGB, back ground neutralization and colour calibrated the RGB. But when I go back into LRGB Combine and just add the L my finished image has no colour. I have been following guides online and restarted several times with any joy.

As a complete PI novice and help would be appreciated.


Combine RGB

Photometric Colour Calibration RGB


Histogram Transformation on LRGB

Back Ground Neturalization and Colour Calibration RGB

LRGB Combine just ticking L.  I have tried the saturation slider fully both ways and there is not difference.




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In the past I have always followed the methods set out in the LightVortex tutorials - they have always worked for me.

So that would be StarAlignment, DynamicCrop, DBE/ABE and (maybe) LinearFit, and then colour combining with ChannelCombination (or PixelMath) followed by LRGBCombination. After that it's a case of using various PI tools/masks to tease out the colour and suppress the noise.




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Hi Adrian,

Thanks for the advice. Turns out it was user error all along. I found using the triangle instead of the square made it work. I keep looking a pixelmath but have yet to give it a go. Definitely looks a bit difficult at the moment.

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19 hours ago, spillage said:

I keep looking a pixelmath but have yet to give it a go. Definitely looks a bit difficult at the moment.

I'm sure you're not alone!

I have to admit I only use it for combining NB data and infrequently for creating a synthetic luminance.

The LVA tutorials are very good IMHO. I found it best make a few handwritten notes of the key points in each step rather than wade through the full text each time. LVA is good because it explains not only what to do and in what order but why you do it that way and what each process does.

It is also worth stepping through the target tutorials on M31 and NGC7000 if you have your own data (or comparable data).

Good luck!


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