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looking for advise on upgrading my set up

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Hi, Im new to the forum and pretty new to stargazing in general so go easy :)

As mentioned other posts Astrophotgrphy is the area im most in love with, ive taken a couple of nice photos for my first attempts (in the imaging section) but now i no i really enjoy this hobby i want to get more into it and more out of it!

This is where im stuck, i have a skywatcher 130pds with a canon (stock) 750d and a dual axis motor. I want to achieve longer exposures (up to 3mins if possible) but my DA motor struggles with this and i get about 1 min max. Id also like some sort of filter weather it be Tri band -Quad band or a standalone HA filter but again im stuck and unsure which to go with.

I dont really want to mod my 750d as i use it else where other the astro.

Could anyone be kind enough to offer some advise on what they think my best route for modification would be, i dont want to spend money on upgrading if actually id be better off selling and getting a different set up altogether.


Many thanks in advance, you have all been so welcoming and i really like this group :)


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